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In my experience that build error is not really docker related, but Linux 5.17.y and up related across all hosts. Might be better just to add it as the default regardless of how one is building.
As it creates no ill effects from what I can tell, would be worth to do so.
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<Zanoryt> What's the correct way to change the hostname during build?
<Zanoryt> I tried putting hostnamectl set-hostname ${HOSTNAME} in customize, but of course that won't work because systemd is not up during build.
<ManoftheSea> Write to /etc/hostname
<ManoftheSea> And hosts
<Zanoryt> That's it? That wouldn't account for /etc/hosts either
<Zanoryt> yeah
<Zanoryt> Piece of cake... #!/usr/bin/env bash current_hostname=$(cat /etc/hostname) new_hostname=$1 echo "Current hostname is $current_hostname" echo "New hostname is $new_hostname" #change hostname in /etc/hosts & /etc/hostname sudo sed -i "s/$current_hostname/$new_hostname/g" /etc/hosts sudo sed -i "s/$current_hostname/$new_hostname/g" /etc/hostname
<Zanoryt> How do you make a script run on first boot?
google rc.local
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<Zanoryt> I'm familiar with rc.local, but that's not ideal.
<Zanoryt> I have a systemd service that I am installing, and I can just have the script that runs check for something like .firstrun and then remove it after.
<Zanoryt> I suppose that'll work
<Zanoryt> But if there was already a hook I can catch, that would be even better.
<IgorPec> rc.local exists, but its not ideal. systemd startup script like on any systemd system
<Zanoryt> @IgorPec does the first run package throw any hooks by any chance?
<IgorPec> no, was not designed that way
^ User Configurations - Armbian Documentation
<IgorPec> in the image gen proces
<Zanoryt> Yeah, I just added to my customization script to touch a .needs-first-run file and my systemd service will look for that (and remove it after).
<Zaza> here
<IgorPec> yes. let me do some status update
<IgorPec> images has been uploaded and until they are not synched around network, download is very slow
<IgorPec> i am checking now if there are some troubles, missing images
^ Update changelog for 22.05 by igorpecovnik · Pull Request #216 · armbian/documentation · GitHub
<Werner> fingered
<IgorPec> ok, still have to write some general purpose release text
<IgorPec> so will do that in one streak
<bret> poor dotsrc mirror must be getting tanked at the moment
<Zanoryt> not a bad idea, let me look
<IgorPec> haha, downloading at 1.83GBit/s
<IgorPec> this is our mirror
<bret> Think mine are pulling about 1.4Gbit between them, though most of that being the Madrid one, Singapore and Sydney understandably not having a fun time
<bret> I should test the private networking I have between these and see if it's quicker to pull to one and then internally from that. Sounds like a lot of effort though tbh
<Werner> Well dotsrc not getting hit from me. I get connection reset by peer when trying to sync
<IgorPec> haha
<bret> hol' up, I think I may actually need to take my latest 2 off for a few minutes and allocate some more disk to them, not sure how much this release is going to add exactly - or hm, is it knocking off the oldest version and they'll get deleted too?
<IgorPec> should not be big diff in size
<IgorPec> we keep oldest in different repository
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<IgorPec> contains old images, main download just latest
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<bret> hm OK, can't remember if rsync would delete at the beginning or the end of the process, I guess the end would make more sense and could pose a problem but let's see
<bret> can see the Madrid one has hit 597GB now so yeah, going to run out on the others, oops
<IgorPec> flood gate is open, nothing can be done 🙂
<IgorPec> i think i'll publish official announcement tomorrow morning, was tackling technical issues whole day in order to get this out
<Zaza> cool
<IgorPec> in case you find something, open a bug in Jira
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<Zaza> ok
<Zaza> anything else for the meeting?
<Royal DeMaria> Dear development team and contributors, thanks for your effort. I will try the updated version when my finals finished. I am sure that it is awesome 👌
<bret> hmm, not sure if I'm missing something but were these supposed to be synced to /dl/XXXXX/archive/ as that's what mine seem to have done from dotsrc and that's what's pushing my disk space up it seems
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<bret> ah well, resized the others and they're now updating again, can check the /rc/ vs /archive/ stuff when I wake up - thanks again for all of the work put into the new release, shame everything is packed up to move apartments on Wed so I haven't had a chance to play 😦
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