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<Armbian-Discord> <M​anoftheSea> yeah, cnx-soft says rk3588 is "Manufacturing process – 8nm LP"
<Armbian-Discord> <M​anoftheSea> What's that mean in comparison?
<Armbian-Discord> <M​icroLinux (Salva)> yes,
<Armbian-Discord> <M​icroLinux (Salva)> well it sohuld be better in theory! hahah
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<Armbian-Discord> <M​icroLinux (Salva)> raspberry pi 5 will probably use 22nm, thats my guess
<Armbian-Discord> <M​icroLinux (Salva)> on a similar node that rk3566, that would be a great improvement
<Armbian-Discord> <M​icroLinux (Salva)> but when talking aobut rk3588, we are talking aobut a compelte different league
<Armbian-Discord> <M​icroLinux (Salva)> not only bc of the cores and the gpu... it has a lot more I/O , so, more transistors
<Armbian-Discord> <M​icroLinux (Salva)> all the amlogic chips I testedd so far are very dumb on the I/O department
<Armbian-Discord> <M​icroLinux (Salva)> so, I am not that impressed with the temps and power consumption compared to RK3566 222nm node, which shoudl be cheaper and performance nicely.
<johnjaye> hmm ok i think i have everything i would need on an odroid n2. case, power adapter, sd card
<Armbian-Discord> <M​icroLinux (Salva)> the real thing to compare should be... how much transistor density has a node, and how much transistors use this soc or the another one, then we could stablish some comparisons against each other
<Armbian-Discord> <M​anoftheSea> n2+
<Armbian-Discord> <M​icroLinux (Salva)> yes, the sd card reader on the n2 works fine, it reach very decent speeds, no need of emmc
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<Armbian-Discord> <M​icroLinux (Salva)> but if you can get the n2+ the better haha
<johnjaye> hrm. i can't tell does it allow microsd usb power or do i need the dc 12V/2A adapter?
<johnjaye> er micro usb. not micro sd power. ah
<Armbian-Discord> <M​anoftheSea> microusb doesn't carry 24 watts.
<Armbian-Discord> <M​anoftheSea> I think you need the 12v
<johnjaye> ah i see
<johnjaye> is that like a maximum? surely it doesn't need that much to boot ?
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<srth56hj> Hello. Is it known that the Odroid N2 image is now broken? All images that are available are broken and not booting.
<srth56hj> None of the here listed images can boot:
<ArmbianHelper> ^ Odroid N2 / N2+ – Armbian
<srth56hj> Logfile not Booting armbian on odroid n2:
<ArmbianHelper> ^ U-Boot 2022.01-armbian (May 28 2022 - 09:08:23 +0000) odroid-n2/n2-plusModel -
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<Armbian-Discord> <M​icroLinux (Salva)> Odroid/pine64 usually use 12v jack.
<johnjaye> hrm, i'm looking at why is there stuff about virtualbox and docker in it?
<johnjaye> should it just be pulling build-essential and compiling the image?
<archetech> ha you wish
<archetech> builder has a design that builds all current suuported boards
<Armbian-Discord> <M​anoftheSea> Can you mount the image and see if you have a uInitrd in the boot part?
<nekomancer[m]> <johnjaye> "hrm, i'm looking at" <- because docker can be used for building
<johnjaye> ok. i was worried it would build like... a virtualbox image or something in the end
<johnjaye> as opposed to something i can write to a microsd card
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<Armbian-Discord> <I​gorPec> srth56hj: its not know until now. will check it
<Armbian-Discord> <I​gorPec> tnx
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<Armbian-Discord> <I​gorPec> srth56hj: tested random image for N2 and it works OOB
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<ArmbianHelper> ^ Odroid N2: Issues with recent firmware and emmc modules - Odroid N2/N2+ - Armbian Community Forums
<srth56hj> I think you tried it out with a micro-SD card. I in my case use a 16GiB eMMC module and that does not seem to work reliably with armbian 22.05.
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<srth56hj> I think its u-boot+eMMC related issue. The u-boot have been updated on all armbian images in the last half year and this seems to have added the eMMC boot issue. I would get in contact with the u-boot developers
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<amazingfate> srth56hj: I have uboot NVME issue same as you several days ago on my rock 3a board. I solve it by making a boot partition with vfat filesystem. The legacy rockchip u-boot has bad support for ext4 filesystem so I have the same error msg `Failed to mount ext2 filesystem...`
<srth56hj> I did not had this issue on armbian with images from about half a year ago. amazingfate, did you had those issue with u-boot 2022.1 ?
<amazingfate> srth56hj: I have this issue on a rockchip legacy u-boot v2017. I've tried to backport the ext4 driver from mainline u-boot to it several days ago but still got this issue.
<juri_> lanefu: /win 23
<juri_> er. :)
<lanefu> Lol
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<srth56hj> IgorPec: Could you bump the version here? config/sources/families/include/ ?
<srth56hj> to use more modern u-boot version. The recent u-boot 2022.01 have eMMC issues
<srth56hj> amazingfate, arent the recent armbian images for rockchip with u-boot v2021.07 and there are patches to update to v2022.04 now?
<ArmbianHelper> ^ move u-boot rockchip64 to 2022.04 by 150balbes · Pull Request #3719 · armbian/build · GitHub
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<juri_> lanefu: some structured person on irc asked me to get a message to you: josh from dataideas is prout. i have no idea what any of that means. :)
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<amazingfate> srth56hj: for rk35xx, there is only rockchip legacy u-boot. Mainline u-boot only supports rk32xx and rk33xx.
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<[TheBug]> hmm just realized jock hasn't been around for a while... hope hes still doin okay
<[TheBug]> juri_: what proof did they have of that
<[TheBug]> juri_: I know what that means and I hope it isn't true
<juri_> [TheBug]: no idea!
<juri_> random IRC message.
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<[TheBug]> I have my doubts thats true
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<[TheBug]> but the reason that seems relevant is the guy Josh Prout is a pretty prolific con man in Dallas over the years who would give unsustainable deals for colo and they steal customers equipment and such
<[TheBug]> but I thought that guy was still in jail
<[TheBug]> who knows
<[TheBug]> juri_: ^
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<juri_> I've got friends and enemies in jail. crime doesn't pay, folks.
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<johnjaye> will the default n2 build work for an odroid n2+?
<johnjaye> i suppose there's no way to test it until i actually get it though
<archetech> is there a reason you want armbian vs other distros I prefer manjaro/odroid images
<johnjaye> images from who? odroid themselves?
<archetech> yes
<johnjaye> idk i googled for free software alternatives to raspi, found armbian, picked odroid and bought one
<archetech> n2 is for desktop or nas
<johnjaye> ok
<archetech> which are you shooting for
<johnjaye> i don't know what you mean by nas.
<johnjaye> like a literal nas?
<archetech> server
<johnjaye> desktop i guess. i just wanted something to tinker with armbian a bit on
<johnjaye> i've used raspi a bit but the closed-source firmware is a little discouraging
<johnjaye> so i wanted to learn about arm stuff outside of raspi
<johnjaye> (plus you can't even get them hardly anymore!)
<archetech> armbian is just debian ubu with some custom stuff
<johnjaye> would that mean i can download a debian armhf image and put it on most boards around?
<archetech> most boards? this is arm every sbc is diff
<johnjaye> ok. i had the impression armbian was a project involving supporting free software on arm boards
<johnjaye> so it would be better than just downloading a debian iamge
<johnjaye> *image
<archetech> ya need to do some reading on what arm is
<archetech> ya got alot of assumptions
<johnjaye> ok. maybe you can help me then. what's your definition of what armbian is and why would i want to use it
<archetech> and your lazy
<johnjaye> ok
<archetech> why havent you installed armbian on an sdcard yet vs babbling around in this irc get it done
<archetech> then ya can use it and read the docs
<archetech> thats how ya learn arm
<johnjaye> i don't have the sdcard yet. i just ordered it. and i'm building armbian in virtualbox
<archetech> no sdcard store locally weird
<archetech> id be at walmart etc grabbin one
<lanefu> Welcome back archetech
<ArmbianHelper> ^ Frequently asked questions - Armbian Documentation
<archetech> lanefu: lol good one
<lanefu> Seriously the slide deck linked there goes deep into the ecosystem
<ArmbianHelper> ^ Quick facts - Armbian Documentation
<johnjaye> thanks
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<ArmbianHelper> ^ Writing images to eMMC directly from Odroid - ODROID
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<Armbian-Discord> <M​anoftheSea> N2 uses arm v8. Armhf is v7. You want to say aarch64
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<archetech> johnjaye: makin some progress ?