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<Armbian-Discord> <l​anefu> @Tonymac32 yeah I think we all are. Just need a path
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<Armbian-Discord> <T​onymac32> Hmmmmm
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<Armbian-Discord> <l​anefu> Damn bro you did it
<Armbian-Discord> <l​anefu> @kprasadvnsi would you like to be maintainer for zero2
<Armbian-Discord> <k​prasadvnsi> I am a maintainer of zero2
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<Armbian-Discord> <N​eonFetch> That mesa version is old
<Armbian-Discord> <N​eonFetch> You should get gles 3.1 and gl 3.1 at this point
<Armbian-Discord> <N​eonFetch> Try launchpad oibaf
<Armbian-Discord> <k​prasadvnsi> I will compile the latest version
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<stipa> kprasadvnsi: have you tried D1 ?
<kprasadvnsi> stipa: Too expensive for me.
<stipa> yeah, it's not that cheap, around 100 $ i guess
<stipa> probably nothing works
<kprasadvnsi> Yup, plus shipping and tax
<kprasadvnsi> I will buy when it sell for $20 shipped.
<stipa> right
<stipa> it'll has it's uses, it doesn't heat much
<stipa> have*
<stipa> low power decent performance
<kprasadvnsi> Right now it's hyped for being a RISC-V SoC.
<kprasadvnsi> Although, I am looking for those Alibaba RISC-V chips with iGPU.
<stipa> D1 has alibaba core
<kprasadvnsi> But no GPU
<stipa> right
<kprasadvnsi> I am trying to get my hands on the Allwinner H700
<stipa> sounds new
<stipa> nothing about it on google
<stipa> i see
<kprasadvnsi> stipa: It's a H616+ LCD and camera interface
<kprasadvnsi> It has HDMI input. So that's interesting
<stipa> something for video surveillance industry
<kprasadvnsi> Or a cheap tablet/PC hybrid
<stipa> eight right
<kprasadvnsi> When you get a HDMI input then possibilities are interesting.
<stipa> deffinetly
<kprasadvnsi> Rk3399 have HDMI in but nobody able to use it
<stipa> i'm not into video but i see it useful there
<stipa> yeah, hacking video isn't something easy
<stipa> i guess much more comlex than audio
<stipa> complex*
<kprasadvnsi> We will see when I got this chip. If I get this chip.
<stipa> right
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<Armbian-Discord> <N​eonFetch> Its completely unnecessary, but if you wish
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<stipa> up for pre-order for $399 plus shipping and eventual import taxes :S
<stipa> pricks, instead making it cheaper due to hard work of devs of making it mainline they they raised price to the roof
<stipa> damn hardware sellers
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<stipa> unthankful pieces of shit
<steev> don't hold back, tell us how you really feel