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<_whitenotifier-f> [YoWASP/nextpnr] whitequark pushed 1 commit to develop [+0/-0/±2] https://github.com/YoWASP/nextpnr/compare/cfb8adcc6098...21957e33ef3d
<_whitenotifier-f> [YoWASP/nextpnr] whitequark 21957e3 - Update dependencies.
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<mcc111[m]> say I have a wide (like… 100bits) register.
<mcc111[m]> is the most sensible way to initialize its value to give it a python bignum, or can I give it like, a bytes value or something?
<whitequark[cis]> you cannot give it a bytes value; it has to be a python int
<whitequark[cis]> but you can do int.from_bytes
<galibert[m]> Catherine: not bytes so you don't have to care about endianness?
<whitequark[cis]> yeah, or sub-octet alignment
<galibert[m]> true that
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<mcc111[m]> How "efficient" (I'm not sure in which sense I mean this) is a rotate_right on N where N is a dynamic (runtime) value?
<mcc111[m]> I was told that "indexing" a large register dynamically is probably pretty inefficient. Do dynamic rotates do better?
<mcc111[m]> or bitshifts for that matter
<whitequark[cis]> > Rotate operations with variable rotate amounts cannot be efficiently synthesized for non-power-of-2 widths of the rotated value. Because of that, the rotate operations are only provided for constant rotate amounts, specified as Python ints.
<whitequark[cis]> (from the manual)
<galibert[m]> Count the number on inputs for a given output and you’ll see the problem immediately
<mcc111[m]> Thanks.
<mcc111[m]> One more thing I think I've seen discussed in here— is a 0-length Signal allowed, and what things are allowed to be done on it?
<mcc111[m]> EG if I create a 0-length signal but don't attach anything to it (eg it doesn't take part in any comb or sync) do I have a legal program?
<whitequark[cis]> it is allowed insofar as it is unsigned
<whitequark[cis]> in fact any use of a value with the unsigned(0) shape is valid, anywhere in the program at all
<whitequark[cis]> if you manage to break Amaranth like this, which is unlikely, that is a bug
<mcc111[m]> So it is an unsigned value which always has value 0?
<whitequark[cis]> yes
<mcc111[m]> cool, i can work with that
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<Wanda[cis]> yes
<Wanda[cis]> evaluate to another 0-width 0, in fact
<galibert[m]> BTW, that makes me think, is there a recommended way to write the mantissa alignment for an addition in floating point in amaranth/on a fpga?
<mcc111[m]> <Wanda[cis]> "evaluate to another 0-width 0..." <- *thinks* okay actually i meant to say "evaluate to 1" but I guess this is just a different right thing
<galibert[m]> Not sure it's ok to say it evaluates to 1 because that would imply it's at least one bit
<galibert[m]> I think adding 0 evaluates to (0, unsigned(1)) for instance
<whitequark[cis]> ... is that a bug
<galibert[m]> No, I'm pretty sure ~(0, unsigned(0)) should be (0, unsigned(0))
<galibert[m]> it's the only thing that makes sense
<galibert[m]> So no bug
<mcc111[m]> "Although Python integers have unlimited precision and Amaranth values are represented with a finite amount of bits, arithmetics on Amaranth values never overflows because the width of the arithmetic expression is always sufficient to represent all possible results."
<mcc111[m]> So it depends on whether ~ is an arithmetic expression. If ~ is an arithmetic expression, ~(0, unsigned(0)) should be 1. Otherwise, 0 is fine.
<galibert[m]> No? Because ~(0, unsigned(16) = (0xffff, unsigned(16)), not (1, unsigned(16))
<mcc111[m]> That makes sense
<galibert[m]> ~ is defined as inverting whatever bits there are
<galibert[m]> there's nothing to invert
<mcc111[m]> This said, it feels like a gotcha, since it didn't match my intuition. Might be worth it to mention this case in the docs and give a "if you want ~v where v is 0 length, instead use [???]" (I guess ??? is x == 0? that's waht i used in my code)
<galibert[m]> Note that if you use (0, unsigned(0)) outside of generated code/generics-equivalent, you probably have a problem
<whitequark[cis]> Ohh right ~ not -. Tired
<whitequark[cis]> Oh no I should stop talking forreal
<whitequark[cis]> Really tired.
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<zyp[m]> what does foo.eq(~bar) do in the general case where foo is wider than bar with regard to the upper bits?
<galibert[m]> Sign-extension at eq time
<galibert[m]> Going to bed early from time to time can be real nice
<zyp[m]> so foo = Signal(8); m.comb += foo.eq(~C(0, 4)) results in foo being 0x0f?
<mcc111[m]> <galibert[m]> "Note that if you use (0..." <- In my case, I have a counter whose number of bits is parameterized on the component. Making it "behave properly" for 0 (timer is of 0 length, and continuously fires) would have required a bunch of special logic, but the fact 0 bit signals have a specific behavior means I could just write my logic so it does the right thing when bits=0, no special casing needed really…
<mcc111[m]> …but that's generated code, so…
<galibert[m]> Yeah, your kind of code is exactly why it’s possible
<jfng[m]> zyp[m]: yes, but `foo.eq(~C(0, signed(4))` will result in `foo` being `0xff`
<zyp[m]> makes sense
<zyp[m]> in that case it makes total sense for ~C(0, 0) to evaluate to C(0, 0)
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<_whitenotifier-f> [amaranth] cr1901 reviewed pull request #904 commit - https://github.com/amaranth-lang/amaranth/pull/904#discussion_r1337828235
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