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<Mayur> Hello guys,
<Mayur> Do anyone has idea about how I can generate /etc/version file?
<Mayur> I have a recipe doing that and running on each build no matter what and it generates right debian but in the end some rootfs step overrides it so my recipe has no effect in the end.
<Mayur> Here is the minimal recipe
<Mayur> SUMMARY = "Version file generation"
<Mayur> DESCRIPTION = "This recipe generates version file"
<Mayur> LICENSE = "Proprietary"
<Mayur> LICENSE_FLAGS = "commercial"
<Mayur> LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://${COMMON_LICENSE_DIR}/MIT;md5=0835ade698e0bcf8506ecda2f7b4f302"
<Mayur> do_install() {
<Mayur>  bbwarn "Generating /etc/version file"
<Mayur>  mkdir -p ${D}${sysconfdir}
<Mayur>  echo $(TAG) > ${D}${sysconfdir}/version
<Mayur> }
<Mayur> # always perform
<Mayur> do_configure[noexec] = "1"
<Mayur> # never permorm
<Mayur> do_compile[noexec] = "1"
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<Mayur> oe-pkgdata-util find-path /etc/version
<Mayur> gives me my recipe only. So dont know how to stop auto generation version file
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<mcfrisk> Mayur: bitbake os-release
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<Mayur> that writes in /etc/os-release. i need version. because it will be breaking change.
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<mcfrisk> Mayur: use os-release recipe as an example how to create the file
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<paulg> For those looking for some Friday morning amusement - the rust-in-kernel thread continues.
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<RP> paulg: fun :)
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<paulg> Figured it was worth sharing here.
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<paulg> scroll to the bottom of that link if folks haven't done so already and look at the number of posts.
<paulg> And 90% + are well established kernel developers, not just nose-picker trolls and pontificators.
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<rfs613> paulg: we should just give them all shovels and have them come dig out the downtown streets
<paulg> rfs613, I don't even go downtown anymore. Donated my canal skates to charity a couple years ago.
<rfs613> i went to pickup a video card (for $10) from chinatown today. nearly got stuck on a ridiculously narrow street that hadn't been plowed.
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<paulg> I'm out in the north Kanata 'burbs, and hunkered down in advance of the 1st storm wave.
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