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* mcfrisk
feels completely lost when looking at autobuilder logs. maybe I'm just not used to the UI or concepts around it...
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RP: saw it inone of local CI only happens on x86_64
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kanavin_: that uid/gid find is quite mindblowing!
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Maybe dumb question, I have chromium in my Yocto image. Building chromium takes ages. Is there a good way to use chromium as pre-built package? Or is sstate the only feasible way to cache it?
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khem: fyi meta-oe will have a few issues with the autotool cleanups i posted earlier today. some patches will be sent today, i'll do another world build overnight
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what can cause that when i run `bitbake package_name -e > variables.txt` the variable is set properly but when i run without `-e > variables.txt` ant print that variable in python __anonymous () than it is missing?
and in do install as well
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hmmmm this is odd if i have removed override x86-64 than the append started to work
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so the append for DISTRO_FEATURES takes it from MACHINEOVERRIDES but for FILES and any other variables it takes it from FILESOVERRIDES....
really odd
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RP: yes, I wonder why no one has been bothered by it. People don't really share sstate out of CI systems to developers perhaps :(
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Hey there, does anyone have any experience with compiling single executable applications in NodeJS with yocto? Is this something that is handled natively by bitbake? Or will I have to add any additional code. I'm trying to run a pkg command with node 16 (I know it is deprecated,) but I am having nothing but issues getting it cross-compiled (missing