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<adrianalin> if I am using a Yocto SDK, would it be a requirement for the SDK libc to match the host libc?
<adrianalin> *hello
* mcfrisk rolls eyes at core-image-initramfs-boot with nothing but a zero size /init file after core-image-base rebuild
<RP> mcfrisk: can you reproduce it?
<RP> adrianalin: no, we just require the host libc isn't newer
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<mcfrisk> RP: not really, but it's now second time that qemu boot fails due to this. wiping tmp cured it once. rebuild and it's back. trying to debug. in workdir cpio_append/init seems to be a zero size file...
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<yocton> Do we support local.conf without newline at EOF?
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<yocton> I ask because the reproducibility test fails without a newline at EOF. I guess we should fix the reproducibility test...
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<RP> yocton: I think something somewhere doesn't add a line without a newline
<RP> yocton: i.e. two lines end up merged together
<RP> yocton: I've seen it before but never dug into the root cause
<yocton> yes, I get something like OEQA_REPRODUCIBLE_TEST_TARGET = "bash"SSTATE_DIR ?= "/home/yocon/yocto/sstate-cache"
<yocton> I'll open a bug, this should make a nice newcomer bug :)
<RP> yocton: maybe. The question is should appending lines add a newline before, after, or both?
<yocton> RP: I'd say : start by appending a newline (to ensure you're really at a start of a line), then, end every lines you add with a newline. As a side effect, this will put a newline at EOF
<RP> yocton: it could lead to lots of double spaced variables
<RP> this is why it could be a bit harder than newcommer :/
<yocton> Ok, not newcomer then, but a bug nonetheless
<RP> definitely a bug
<yocton> I'll create it
<mcfrisk> RP: rm_work I presume. something retriggers do_image and wants rootfs but that has already been wiped by rm_work. bitbake-diffsigs output in https://pastebin.com/raw/FHTpPKnz is odd since neither meta-xilinx nor meta-freescale are enabled in the build. I do shared sstate with builds which enable those layers though.
<RP> mcfrisk: ah, rm_work. That could make an interesting mess
<RP> mcfrisk: those two .py files changing checksum is odd, that suggests you updated the metadata?
<mcfrisk> RP: the .py files were changed Jan 14th. something else is odd and retriggering image rebuilds, which then sometimes end up with rm_work racing do_image tasks which end up with empty rootfs directory. it is hard to understand what is going on. I don't think bitbake-diffsigs output is really correct
<RP> mcfrisk: I suspect it might be looking at the last change it could find
<RP> mcfrisk: in WORKDIR/temp the task_order file may give hints about the actual ordering
<mcfrisk> RP: build logs show meta-arm side gen-sbkeys with do_install[nostamp] = "1" is always executed first. that triggers spdx etc tasks elsewhere for the initramfs and rootfs. I think that is the root cause. handling random secrets in builds is tricky...
<RP> mcfrisk: yes, that could do it :/
<RP> mcfrisk: although tasks should rebuild safely so there is a bug in there somewhere
<mcfrisk> I think rm_work should not remove rootfs because different image formats may depend on it, like wic and the initrd cpio. They don't fail if rootfs directory is empty, since that is a valid usecase too
<RP> mcfrisk: in rm_work.bbclass there are a load of task masks, I suspect some task is missing from the list
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<RP> mcfrisk: basically once it runs, it should re-trigger everything to rebuild and it isn't
<RP> mcfrisk: rm_work basically promotes tasks to pretend they came from sstate
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<ThomasRoos> Any idea if I need a more recent cmake on kirkstone branch? Is there a mixin available? Or any other ideas?
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<denix> rsalveti: tried this on SUSE Leap/Enterprise 15.5 with kernel 5.14 and it didn't work :(
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<rsalveti> weird, maybe 5.14 is a bit too old for this
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<qschulz> rburton: you still looking into other b4 patches or can I resend a v4 tomorrow morning :) ?
<qschulz> (or right now if people don't mind the spamming)
<rburton> qschulz: now is fine, that was my only thought
<qschulz> rburton: I had forgotten one is supposed to use command -v in shell scripts also IIRC
<qschulz> (will use shutil.which, no worries :) )
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<denix> rsalveti: which kernel do you run on your 22.04 host?
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<rsalveti> denix: 6.8
<denix> ah, ok. so 5.15 also doesn't seem to cut it - that was the last official update for 20.04... and 22.04 was released with it as well
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<khem> denix:you can use hwe kernel on 22.04 which is at 6.8 right now
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<denix> khem: yes, I know, I don't use 22.04
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<khem> 20.04 does not cut it, you could use the mainline kernel PPA but that does not work with older than 22.04 releases either
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<khem> I think if you had arm64 h/w then you were in luck for 20.04 to have 6.8
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<tgamblin> qschulz: if you're going to submit a v5 of your b4 series, maybe alter the subject line to be "b4: add basic config file" or something to satisfy patchtest? Even "core: add basic b4 config file" if you don't want it to imply it's for the recipe
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<denix> khem: I'm flexible to use any builder I want, but my customers are not that much...
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<Guest10> Hi,
<Guest10> I am looking for a prebuild sdk toolchain script for a project I am working on.
<Guest10> But it kept returning 404 error.
<Guest10> Is there another link I can use to get this script?
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<smurray> khem: any idea why the kernel bump backport for meta-raspberrypi scarthgap branch seems stuck in limbo?
<khem> smurray: can you point to particular PR
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<khem> I c thanks for letting me know
<khem> CI was stuck, lets see now
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<smurray> khem: thanks for taking a look
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