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Someone's laptop was OOMing and when I told them about the existing tuning knobs, they asked if anyone played with /proc/PID/oom_score_adj for bitbake builds? One can just set the parent shell that should help guide the OOM killer to reap one of bitbake's child processes.
it might be nice to add a bitbake option or a shell wrapper. I may do that if they find that this approach helps.
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is it possible to patch a git submodule in a sane way
gvmeson: on latest yocto pressure handing is available, not sure which version you are at. look for BB_PRESSURE_MAX_* variables
mischief: yes it is depending upon how you are modifying the tree, git submods are easy to work with
the geniuses at qorvo do a git fetch and cherry pick of upstream openthread into a submodule at compile time :-/
ah quorvo stuff so perhaps not yocto then its MCU stuff right ?
no, this is the rcp that runs on the (our) host
oh compile time fetching is a bad sign
right. this only appeared with the no net changes while we upgrade to scarthgap
i need two changes, one to remove this git fetch and another to apply the patch to the submodule, but im not sure how to do patches to submodules.
well, you can use SRC_UTI with multiple git repos and fetch the openthread module and turn the cherry function into a dummy
look at breakpad recipe e.g.
so move to two git:// SRC_URI instead of gitsm://?
you can even try using gitsm:// fetcher
can devtool modify work with that to create the patch?
yeah two repos would be more expressive
devtool I am not sure, I usually do not use it on complex recipes yet
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Hello mischief, fancy seeing you here! :)
g'day m8
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ebassi: yeah very strong fan of removing the legacy image manifest and just having the spdx, i think we need to write or suggest some basic tooling to extract stuff like "what packages were in this image" from the spdx first
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rburton: turning it off by default would be a good start
rburton: JPEW should be sending a patch for that I hope!
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rburton: my goal is to have a CI pipeline set up some static web page like this one, populating it from the metadata:
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rburton: so the spdx is definitely more appropriate
I might go for the full sbom for a more detailed report, but the spdx.tar.zst is a good start for a quick overview
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ebassi: is that spdx 2.2?
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Hello, When we have multiple layers, what is the good practice to update IMAGE_INSTALL ? currently what we are doing is probably uggly: We have "company layer" that contains the "product image", and in the "product image" we put IMAGE_INSTALL from differents layers, like "company bsp for board X" "layer for matter protocol" "layer for openthread". Long time ago I find peoples that was doing something
different like: Updating directly the "core image" in layer A, B, C. So that when this layers are present, the related package are automatically added to the image.
If it works, is it a good practice doing like this ?
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Isn't that methode specifically forbidden by yocto-check-layer? (I have not verified it). Personaly, I do not like when BSP layers do what you describe :-/
I also would recommend using the dynamic-layers mecanism on a "image" layer sitting on top of every others and appending to your image depending on what layer is added or not.
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Tyaku: why can't you just have a single image in your product layer that depends on all the layers you need
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RP: sent
RP: we're using scarthgap, so I assume not
ebassi: right, sadly that is 2.2. spdx 3 is much nicer as it doesn't need a tarball of docs :/
JPEW: great thanks
RP: I'll make a note, in case we can backport it to our tree
ebassi: There's been talk of making a mix-in layer to backport it also, smurray was interested (among others)
JPEW: I think we probably need to do this
RP: Ya, there is enough interest that I'm pretty sure it will happen
Worth bringing up on the tech call
JPEW: agreed
JPEW: can that example script use the bindings we have in lib/oe for spdx?
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RP: Ya, it can (assuming that's in the python library search path); I was trying to model how it would work if you wanted to make an standalone tool
JPEW: right, I'm torn as someone using OE/bitbake likely has these pieces already so they can do it simpler. I'm not sure which is more useful...
Right. The difference in my mind is do we want an example that people can use to do their own thing (in which case, I think this is more useful), or an actual tool to do a specific thing (in which case, using the existing library makes more sense)
Or maybe both
Perhaps some sort of additional manifest-from-spdx script would make sense
both might be interesting if not too painful...
Ya, I think the hang up for me is that I don't really like "guessing" on use cases
JPEW: we're not trying to guess, more just show what is possible and both directions are something someone might want to do
I think in time this will become easy/commonplace but until then...
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is there a way to add a layer to a yocto project from a bitbake recipe? i have a vendor that packages their sdk (for a special piece of hardware) as a set of binary libraries and a bitbake meta-layer, but it would be nice from a CI and bringup perspective for me to treat that whole vendor package as a dependency and have bitbake unpack and install it, but also expose all of the .bb packages inside. Is there any way to accomplish this o
am i out of line here?
wdouglass: yeah you can't do that. though bitbake-layers makes it a one-liner to add a directory (or even a remote repo, i think) as a layer.
yeah, that's what we're doing now, i was just wondering if there was a way to streamline it from a devops perspective. thanks for the quick answer!
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wdouglass, I think you should make a git repo for both, and do overwrite and commit in that repo each time you get a new bundle from the vendor
then fetch the layer as you would fetch any other layer
and have a serious talk with the vendor, they're misusing yocto
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kanavin: no kidding, they are indeed misusing yocto, but unfortunately there's a language barrier, so I don't think i'll get anything to change. Unfortunately, I think yocto is (mis)used in different ways by many vendors -- the greatest offender i've seen is qualcomm (although they're not the vendor in question, i'll just never stop being mad at qualcomm)
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I hope to see Qualcomm improve in the future, fwiw
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wdouglass, you don't need to tell me, at some point I spent several months guiding qualcomm to fixup their layer to something resembling sanity from a safe distance
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rburton: me too, but i'm not holding my breath, and i'm not rushing to buy qualcomm chips any time soon
kanavin: thank you for doing that work! i know its not easy
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khem: devtool modify doesn't seem to work with multiple git:// SRC_URI :(
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mischief: there may be a bug open for that, if not there should be if it doesn't work
I had meta-openembedded on styhead. Checking again
yeah poky was on styhead too. Sigh
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operator error. Thanks for the assist
at least it wasn't my patch :)
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RP: Please hold off on my Meson patch that adds CMake support. It seems it can lead to CMake injecting host paths into Meson's target configuration under some circumstances... :(
Saur: rburton mentioned this earlier as potentially possible so it was on hold. I'll drop it from -next until I hear otherwise, thanks for the headsup
RP: Ok. I think I am on track for finding a solution, but it means I have to increase my CMake knowledge above 0%...