Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2023.10, v2024.01-rc3 are OUT / Merge Window is CLOSED, next branch is OPEN / Release v2024.01 is scheduled for 08 January 2024 / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
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<milkylainen> Getting wrong ramdisk image format for a plain squashfs file regardless if I use raw length or not.
<milkylainen> It's xz compressed. Does u-boot need to poke the contents of it? I mean, the help says various compression formats, but the Kconfig only selects ZLIB_UNCOMPRESS?
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<milkylainen> Nevermind.
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<Tartarus> sjg1, apalos, can you please both re-review https://patchwork.ozlabs.org/project/uboot/cover/20231117020207.948636-1-seanedmond@linux.microsoft.com/ and reviewed-by if you're both still happy? I'd like to get that in to next soon
<apalos> Tartarus: yea I also have another anient patch I have to review from Sean
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<apalos> I'll get to that as well
<Tartarus> ok
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<sjg1> Tartarus: Yes OK I will take a look this morning
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<Tartarus> Clamor: re the PR, can you please send it to the ML too, and instead of vs a githash it should list a branch
<Clamor> Tartarus: request-pull hash link branch, correct?
<Clamor> I may create tags once I get more used to work with the custodian tree, until then, if you don't mind I will use a dedicated branch.
<Clamor> Currently I have no access to my pc, I will do it within next 24 hours.
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<Tartarus> Clamor: I don't recall the exact syntax sorry, just what the message looks like
<Clamor> Tartarus: alright, noted.
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<Clamor> sjg1: xypron you have had questions about commit lib: membuff: fix readline not returning line in case of overflow. It was updated, may you, once have some time, check it if it fits your expectations now.
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