Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2023.10, v2024.01-rc2 are OUT / Merge Window is CLOSED, next branch is OPEN / Release v2024.01 is scheduled for 08 January 2024 / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
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<vagrantc> hrm. i see a handful of files where the SPDX headers conflict with license notices in the file ... i suppose i should mention them on the mailing list?
<vagrantc> a fair number of them are pulled in directly from linux, too ... to make the history a bit harder to make sense of.
<marex> vagrantc: or send a patch
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<vagrantc> marex: well, a patch would require knowing what the right thing actually is.
<marex> vagrantc: maybe an RFC patch ?
<vagrantc> marex: in general, i would be inclined to accept the text over the SPDX ... but i suspect some files were licensed X or Y and SPDX just embedded X
<vagrantc> stuff like that
<vagrantc> i'll try to make a list, at least.
<marex> vagrantc: I would rewrite everything to GPLv2 or v2+ , but that's just me
<marex> vagrantc: thanks !
<vagrantc> it's mostly GPLX || BSD-something
<vagrantc> although ... the whole process of doing this review is exhausting and i will have to put this off a while :)
* vagrantc waves
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<ukky> marex: arm-baremetal-elf toolchain works too, it was my fault, wrong .config settings.
<marex> ukky: zynqmp is aarch64
<marex> keep that in mind
<marex> (except for pmu which is microblaze I think)
<ukky> it can be compiled for zynqmp-r5 (arm)
<ukky> yes, pmu is microblaze
<ukky> for zynqmp-aarch64 baremetal toolchain works too
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<marex> ukky: you cannot compile software for the aarch64 cores using armv7a toolchain
<ukky> marex: agree. But I am using aarch64-baremetal-elf toolchain to compile U-Boot for ZynqMP-A53. arm-baremetal-eabi was just a test for U-Boot build for ZynqMP-R5
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<marex> ok
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<stgloor> Hi, I am having a weird problem with U-Boot 2023.10 on an Allwinner A20 (Olinuxino Micro board). There seems to be some sort of loop in the serial console, the output is somehow fed back as input, resulting in "Unknown command" errors.
<stgloor> It looks like only some output lines are interpreted as console input, but they also seem to be mixed up somehow
<stgloor> Any idea what the problem could be?
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<clarity> stgloor: does it work with older versions?
<clarity> seems like something that mightn't be too hard to bisect, if it's a software issue
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<stgloor> clarity: no, I tried with 2021.4 and I still had the same problem.
<stgloor> I am building with Yocto and have now reverted all my changes, as it worked in the beginning... rebuilding from scratch now...
<stgloor> I also disconnected the "RX" pin from my UART adapter, so it's not like the loopback is happening in the adapter or terminal software or something
<clarity> Oh yocto and rebuilding from scratch.. se you next week then? D:
<clarity> Sadly I don't have the micro board to play with :(
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<ukky> Can I preload environment data into DDR at specific address, set CONFIG_ENV_ADDR to that address, and enable CONFIG_ENV_IN_NVRAM? This is to define "scriptaddr" in DDR.
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<marex> clarity: crappy USB-serial adapter ?
<marex> stgloor: ^
<marex> stgloor: did you configure flow control (hw and sw) OFF in your terminal emulator ?
<marex> stgloor: terminal set to 115200 8n1 ?
<f_> hm I wonder if there's a minified pinctrl driver for SPL...
<f_> Seems like I need it for eMMC to work on meson-gxl
<f_> and I only have 44K available in total. Enabling CONFIG_SPL_PINCTRL overflows the max size..
<stgloor> marex: USB-serial cable shouldn't be the issue, because it also occurs with the RX pin disconnected (so adapter can't send anything to board)
<stgloor> marex: and yes, flowcontrol (hw/sw) is disabled and set to 115200 8n1
<marex> stgloor: noise on some of the lines ?
<marex> or missing pull resistor somewhere ?
<stgloor> marex: unbelievable, that was it! thank you!
<stgloor> Shorting the RX pin to GND fixed the problem
<stgloor> So the TX pin (coming from the board) was actually directly interfering with the floating RX pin, generating this loopback effect
<stgloor> I would have never believed the capacitive (?) coupling between two 2.54 mm header pins was so good that the UART receiver could actually receive readable text over it
<bswartz> Probably grounding was poor as well
<bswartz> Those RS232 converters are cheap AF
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<clarity> stgloor: Oh so your RX pin was floating all along?
<clarity> I thought you only disconnected after seeing the problem...
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<stgloor> clarity: Yes, I only disconnected it after seeing the problem and nothing changed, so I assumed it had nothing to do with it
<clarity> Oh... so what caused the problem while the pin was still connected?
<stgloor> clarity: I guess it must have been a faulty crimp contact on USB-serial adapter cable, I will replace it/solder it directly to see if it helps
<stgloor> or as bswartz mentioned, poor grounding
<bswartz> Sometimes it's worth paying more for an FTDI or other professional quality cable
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<stgloor> bswartz: lsusb tells me it's an FTDI cable, but I don't know where I got it or if it is genuine^^
<stgloor> It's weird, connecting the RX and TX ends of the serial adapter gives loopback on the terminal, so I would think the adapter works
<stgloor> But soldering the adapter cables directly to the board does not solve my problem... maybe there is something wrong with the board?
<stgloor> I guess I have to get the oscilloscope out and investigate some more, anyway, thanks for the help!
<ukky> stgloor: could TTL level on serial port be an issue? I have FTDI +3.3V UART2USB adapter, which does not work on standard RS232 due to different voltage levels
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<stgloor> ukky: the label on the adapter says TTL-232R-3V3, so it should be the right one. The board is probably also 3.3V (need to check).
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<bswartz> Yeah make sure you didn't mix up the voltages
<bswartz> In my experience real FTDI cables/chips are rock solid. There's some much cheaper stuff you can get on Amazon that works when you're lucky
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<clarity> I've broken a bunch of ftdis :(
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