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<marex> C-o-r-E: uhhhh
<marex> C-o-r-E: nios2 is most likely broken mind you
<marex> doc/arch/nios2.rst
<marex> that is your best chance , I vaguely recall running both u-boot and linux on 10M50 devkit (max10 one), but that needs NIOS2/F core
<marex> the "FAST" one with MMU
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<C-o-r-E> marex: thanks, I think i got that part figured out
<marex> C-o-r-E: and I think you need to write the U-Boot to one of the flash memories ?
<marex> probably u-boot.bin to 0xc0000000 or some such ?
<marex> check qsys or whatever it is called now for memory layout
<C-o-r-E> yeah thats what I'm trying to figure out
<marex> C-o-r-E: and check the nios2 core entry point
<marex> (in qsys)
<marex> C-o-r-E: do you have custom hardware or the 10m50 ?
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<marex> if the later, download the 10M50 nios2 GHRD , that is what you wanna try
<marex> (btw why nios2 and not e.g. one of the simpler riscv cores with litex?)
<marex> https://github.com/litex-hub/litex-boards trenz max1000 is e.g. max10, so it surely is possible with max10/quartus
<C-o-r-E> marex: where is this GHRD?
<marex> intel website I guess
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<marex> C-o-r-E: I think in quartus, if you do some "new project" , there is "Access altera webshop thingie" there where you can download reference designs
<C-o-r-E> as for litex, I've seen it online but I'm not knowledgable enough to go there yet
<C-o-r-E> mostly following our FPGA guy's lead
<marex> C-o-r-E: are you looking for softcore ?
<marex> C-o-r-E: for max10 board ? which board do you have ?
<C-o-r-E> i have a 10m50
<marex> C-o-r-E: if all you need is softcore, the rv core which you get out of litex is much easier to synthesise than fighting with nios
<marex> and I am not sure if that board is exactly supported, oh well
<C-o-r-E> I think we actually need to stick with Intel for some IPs
<marex> C-o-r-E: then try to get the 10M50 GHRD with nios2 , it should be in that quartus IP shop
<C-o-r-E> specifically a ethernet MAC with hardware timestamping / PTP
<marex> and then probably use U-Boot version from like 2015ish..2020ish, that might still not be broken
<ukky> C-o-r-E: u-boot.bin has both U-Boot and device tree. You probably should write this one to flash device, unless ypu write your own boot loader.
<C-o-r-E> I think it would be really cool to go the rv route... just maybe another time
<marex> C-o-r-E: btw since litex only generates verilog, you can mix cores from intel and ones generated by migen
<C-o-r-E> going to try and find this "IP shop" thing
<C-o-r-E> hmmm
<marex> C-o-r-E: File->New project
<marex> C-o-r-E: its somewhere there
<C-o-r-E> ukky: thanks! noted.
<ukky> u-boot-no-dtb.bin has only U-Boot, no device tree.
<Forty-Bot> marex: why is nios broken? no maintainer?
<marex> Forty-Bot: I havent heard from maintainer in a while
<Forty-Bot> a while being 3 years?
<marex> Forty-Bot: yes
<marex> Forty-Bot: too short to call "a while" ?
<ukky> C-o-r-E: u-boot.elf has both U-Boot and device tree, but you need to write your own U-Boot loader to load ELF file from flash
<Forty-Bot> :P
<C-o-r-E> ukky: the vendor has a elf2flash utility so might be the way to go
<marex> ukky: the nios2 jumps to entrypoint in physically mapped memory
<marex> ukky: the core is really simplistic in that way
<marex> C-o-r-E: yes
<marex> C-o-r-E: also look around rocketboards, there may be useful stuff there, even prebuilt binaries
<C-o-r-E> yeah i'm not finding it on the store
<C-o-r-E> i've seen that rocketboards mentions GHRD but didn't find a link
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<ukky> elf2flash, according to Intel, converts ELF to SREC. In my experience, SREC format is about 30% bigger compared to binary program sections in original ELF file.
<C-o-r-E> not sure if the SREC is ending up in flash ulitmately
<marex> C-o-r-E: ^
<marex> C-o-r-E: no, quartus mostly uses ihex
<C-o-r-E> using nios2-flash-programmer with the srec file
<marex> C-o-r-E: I think the qpfl is the full design (or quartus turns it into one)
<marex> Download max10_devkit_ghrd.par file from the attachment. Using the Quartus II software command-line, extract the design files into the host PC:
<marex> bingo
<marex> C-o-r-E: use that ^
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<marex> C-o-r-E: POF is Programmer Object File (stuff that is programmed into flash, either in the FPGA or outside like EPCS/EPCQ)
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<marex> C-o-r-E: SOF is SRAM object file (you might run into that with max10 too, you can upload bitstream only into the FPGA, not make it permanently stored in the flash iirc)
<marex> C-o-r-E: QAR -- Quartus Archive
<marex> PAR ... some other Archive I guess ... Project maybe
<C-o-r-E> lots of acronyms to learn :O
<marex> C-o-r-E: that rabbit hole is very deep , mind you
<marex> but
<marex> it is FUN
<C-o-r-E> indeed! my first FPGA adventure
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<C-o-r-E> thanks for the help marex! I'll chew on this for a while
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<marex> C-o-r-E: btw be careful about the quartus version, old quartus projects might flake in new quartus versions, so try to install quartus lite from that era
<marex> unless you have a license for something better obv
<marex> C-o-r-E: feel free to ask if you run into any issues, I actually do have quartus installed and am fiddling with it every once in a while
<marex> but not with nios2, mostly fpga stuff
<C-o-r-E> One problem is that I don't actually have a license to build the IPs like the ethernet MAC
<C-o-r-E> so I might need to get a pre-compiled GHRD
<marex> C-o-r-E: do you know opencores / librecores ?
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<C-o-r-E> this one is very interesting: https://opencores.org/projects/ha1588
<C-o-r-E> :)
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<marex> C-o-r-E: at this point I'd probably go for litex , build a soc using that , and possibly wire in the 1588 core by hand, then feed the whole thing into quartus command line interface to compile the stuff
<marex> (litex does generate quartus project + verilog files internally btw)
<marex> oh and btw if you study avalon mm and wishbone interfaces, you might notice significant similarites, just keep the signal polarity in mind
<C-o-r-E> suggestion noted
<C-o-r-E> :)
<C-o-r-E> Heading off for tonight -- ttyl
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<sjg1> Hmm what happened with the web site? Is there something ready to go live?
<f_> sjg1: I was quite busy
<f_> and it's been a long time since I didn't work on Amlogic RE either.
<f_> I'll work on the website tomorrow hopefully.
<f_> Today is Amlogic reverse-engineering day :)
<f_> (also u-boot related)
<f_> (got SPL to boot things on Amlogic S905, replacing the proprietary BL2, BTW.)
<f_> sjg1: oh, in case you didn't recognise me, I'm the one who wrote that email: https://lore.kernel.org/u-boot/CV61D7ULLVZ0.3OCFZ743L1KSE@flaptop/
<f_> "I hope we can get it to at least boot!" we got it to boot :)
<sjg1> f_: Nice!! I look forward to how this turns out
<f_> S905 boots already :)
<f_> Kwiboo helped too!
<f_> (investigated some issues)
<f_> I'm working on S905X/GXL now, investigating DRAM init issues at the moment.
<f_> I'll eventually test it all and send patches upstream so that others can benefit.
<sjg1> That's really good it hear
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<f_> :)
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<f_> sjg1: some great news: I just got DRAM init to work on S905X
<f_> Now the rest (loading BL31, SCP firmware, U-Boot proper) should be easy.
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<marex> f_: the CC list explains some things :)
<marex> f_: I so wish you success, the less of this blob crap, the better
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<f_> "CC"?
<f_> but thanks!
<f_> S905 and S905X are pretty much done
<f_> A311D and S905D3 are on todo
<f_> And I guess that should be about it?
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<f_> marex, sjg1: If you two are interested in amlogic RE I document stuff at https://moin.vitali64.duckdns.org/AmlogicBL2
<f_> And also host BL2 disassembly and decompilation: https://git.vitali64.duckdns.org/misc/reversing-gxbb-bl2.git
<f_> As well as the tree I'm hacking on: https://git.vitali64.duckdns.org/misc/u-boot-kii-pro.git (branch: wip/spl)
<f_> (which I should rebase at some point)
<marex> f_: I will just add it into reading list and read it when time permits
<f_> Sure.
<f_> People are mass-donating boards to me lol
<f_> (exagerating. That said, lvrp16 sent 4 boards to me in total)
<lvrp16> Boards are cheap, RE is expensive 🤣
<f_> And I'm offering RE for free lol
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