Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2023.10, v2024.01-rc2 are OUT / Merge Window is CLOSED, next branch is OPEN / Release v2024.01 is scheduled for 08 January 2024 / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
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<f_> marex: I hope :)
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<f_> Tartarus: Which license would you like on the website?
<f_> I usually like CC0/public domain for this kind of stuff.
<f_> It could be under the same license as the documentation
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<f_> Last screenshot: https://0x0.st/HthB.png
<f_> well..."last"
<f_> If anyone has suggestions then please let me know!
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<diederik> f_: s/GitLab/Source Code/ ? (That it's running a GitLab instance is an implementation detail)
<f_> diederik: yeah sure.
<f_> Done that.
<f_> Tartarus: Want to put the website in doc/ ?
<f_> Or do you rather prefer a separate repo?
<diederik> You probably know better, but I noticed the text talks about U-Boot, not "Das U-Boot", which README states as "official" name
* diederik really missed his calling as copy editor ;-P
<f_> >README:The "official" name of this project is "Das U-Boot". The spelling
<f_> ^ quick `git grep`
<diederik> Yes, but on the screenshot I see "Welcome to U-Boot's website", not "Welcome to Das U-Boot's website"
<diederik> The header does say "Das U-Boot" though
<f_> Oh yeah
<f_> The README also says "U-Boot" without "Das" can also be usedf
<f_> *used
<f_> >This is the README file for the U-Boot project.
<diederik> Yeah, then it often comes down to (community) conventions, which you're probably better familiar with then I am.
<diederik> But the README explicitly stating the official name is "Das U-Boot" would make me expect that name to be used on the main/official website
<f_> Yeah but for the most part I saw the name "U-Boot" being used instead
<f_> but you're still making a good point
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<alpernebbi> well it's not das-u-boot.org :P
<f_> and it's not uboot.org either :P
<f_> lol
<f_> brb checking if the website works in w3m
<alpernebbi> f_: you need some margin above the header, unless that picture is extra cropped on top
<f_> The picture is cropped, sorry about that!
<f_> I didn't crop correctly
<alpernebbi> try ctrl+shift+m on firefox, you can view the page at different resolutions and take full page screenshots with a button on the header
<f_> I should perhaps host it somewhere, should be easier
<f_> u-boot-org.vitali64.duckdns.org for example
<f_> And then I won't need to take screenshots anymore.
<dsimic> f_: maybe "Archived logs of this channel are available <a>here</a>." instead of "This channel is logged. <a>See logs.</a>"
<f_> Ack
<dsimic> thanks
<alpernebbi> "here" is a bad link, the link text should be descriptive of what it links to
<f_> yup
<f_> What should I put instead then?
<alpernebbi> ah, I was thinking of accessibility stuff, but apparently that's kinda OK? so it's just a personal preference for me instead of an objective "bad"
<diederik> [Channel archives](URL) are available ?
<alpernebbi> that too
<f_> diederik: sure
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<dsimic> hmm, IDK, "<a>Channel archives</a> are available." does provide a better link, but it just sounds worse
<dsimic> maybe this instead:
<dsimic> "You can also search <a>archived logs</a> of this channel."
<dsimic> or something similar
<dsimic> f_: diederik: alpernebbi: ^^^
<f_> hm
<dsimic> or maybe "<a>Archived logs</a> of this channel are also available."
<dsimic> IDK, "channel archives" doesn't sound good to me
<alpernebbi> I usually prefer the "you"-voice as well, but should match the rest of the document
<dsimic> yes, being consistent is also important
<f_> Yeah I actually wrote "<a>archived logs</a> of this channel are also available"
<alpernebbi> f_: I guess you'd like doing raw html + css, but consider if it might be worth using reST + sphinx like the rest of u-boot docs
<f_> I prefer handwritten html, yes.
<f_> But that website isn't actually part of docs
<f_> *won't be actually....
<f_> + the website has only one html page
<Tartarus> f_: re GitLab pages, yes, doc/website/ for the contents, and same license as our existing docs would be nice I think. Then we just need to add to the gitlab-ci.yml a job to cp -a doc/website/ public/ and see if anything else must be done for that to get picked up
<f_> sure
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<f_> Alright
<f_> Repo will go live in a few seconds.
<f_> ^ and there's the live demo
<f_> http-only, because it's temporary anyway
<sjg1> What does this mean? ERROR: Job failed: failed to pull image "docker.io/trini/u-boot-gitlab-ci-runner:jammy-20230804-25Aug2023" with specified policies [always]: Error response from daemon: Head "https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/trini/u-boot-gitlab-ci-runner/manifests/jammy-20230804-25Aug2023": EOF (manager.go:237:5s)
<f_> Tartarus: The license used is GPL-2.0+ now, I think I should clear that up in the footer
<f_> adding `SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+` somewhere in the html file...
<f_> Actually I'll do that right now.
<diederik> f_: Please check (and fix) with the w3c validator: https://validator.w3.org/nu/?doc=http%3A%2F%2Fu-boot-org.vitali64.duckdns.org%2F
<f_> diederik: Sure.
<f_> oh yeah the h3/h4 tags...
<f_> My brain was sleepy..
<diederik> I recommend the validator in all cases, but the missing 'alt' attribute in the image tag was the 'trigger' for me
<f_> Yeah I should use it more often
<f_> Ok no errors.
<f_> except for trailing slashes, but them being on br and hr shouldn't cause any issue
<f_> and I honestly prefer <br/> over <br>.
<f_> As for the fact that it interacts badly with unquoted attribute values...you should always quote values
<f_> Seems to work fine on chromium
<f_> (which I don't really use)
<f_> And I guess if it works on Tor Browser then it should work on Firefox.
<f_> Anyone got more suggestions or issues about that website proposal?
<diederik> oh yeah, I prefer <br/> too and I ignore those suggestions. Just make sure all attributes are properly quoted
<f_> Indeed
<f_> unquoted attribute values just looks wrong to me.
<diederik> Yep. That can cause actual errors.
<f_> Oh nice the validator is open source
<f_> I could probably self-host it at vitali64.duckdns.org....
<diederik> I would replace the 'i' element with 'em' (just like you used 'strong' instead of 'b')
<diederik> another nit: Put "6667 / 6697 (TLS)" in code tags?
<f_> Ack
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<diederik> And a year with the Copyright line?
<f_> This one I just copy-pasted from readthedocs
<diederik> oh, ok :)
<f_> If there are no other issues or nits I'll send a patch tomorrow
<diederik> In the css you specify font size in pt. I usually use percentages (relative units). If someone wants to view the page at 200%, then it doesn't scale with it (I think). But it would with relative units
<f_> It does scale
<f_> I view pages at 125%.
<diederik> Ah yeah, indeed. Then you can disregard my remark :)
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<f_> :)
<diederik> Use &nbsp; with U-Boot and RISC-V?
<diederik> ah, not &nbsp; but another one so that it doesn't break on that char
<sjg1> f_: This looks good to me. My suggestions: mention the merge window open/closed and whether -next is open or not. Perhaps add a link to https://source.denx.de/u-boot/custodians/u-boot-dm/-/issues
<sjg1> I suppose it is best to get something in there and then people can send patches
<f_> diederik: I don't really mind about that
<f_> sjg1: Ack
<f_> Should I perhaps also add a link to each custodian tree?
<f_> u-boot-dm is a custodian tree isn't it?
<sjg1> I don't think that is necessary on the main page, but if you add a 'custodian' page, then it could be helpful
<f_> I'll be honest, the main page is pretty empty
<f_> Quite a lot of custodian trees.
<f_> I'll do the list of custodians now
<f_> oh, I think I should instead link to https://source.denx.de/u-boot/custodians
<alpernebbi> f_: header_title could use align-items: center;
<alpernebbi> (for vertical alignment of the logo)
<f_> why? Unless you're talking about if the viewport is narrow?
<alpernebbi> space top of page to logo doesn't match space from logo to the black line, makes it look asymmetric
<dsimic> how about adding a couple of sentences in the opening paragraph, to provide a better summary of what U-Boot is?
<f_> dsimic: Sure.
<f_> alpernebbi: Ack
<dsimic> alright, I'll send that a bit later
<f_> alpernebbi: if you wish
<f_> dsimic: Thanks!
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<dsimic> thank you :)
<alpernebbi> f_: see 2 vs 3 here https://0x0.st/HvrW.png
<dsimic> hmm, I just noticed the font that's used... frankly, it looks a bit strange to me
<f_> Yeah I see...
<f_> dsimic: The font used is just your local `sans` font.
<dsimic> I see, but can't we use something like on Wikipedia, so it resolves to a much more readable font?
<f_> dsimic: How does it look like on your system?
<f_> heh, are you using chrome/chromium?
<dsimic> Firefox
<dsimic> and here's what Wikipedia looks like: https://i.imgur.com/uHeWJPo.png
<f_> hmm
<dsimic> BRB
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<alpernebbi> try running `fc-match sans` to see what font you get
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<dsimic> running 'fc-match sans' produces 'DejaVuSans.ttf: "DejaVu Sans" "Book"'
<f_> dsimic: fixed
<f_> but then it uses a weird font on tor browser...
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<dsimic> f_: thanks, this is how I see it now: https://i.imgur.com/qzpgEYH.png
<f_> Oh it was my fault.
<f_> Should I perhaps also put a background for <code>?
<dsimic> it looks fine to me as-is
<f_> Sure, I'll let others tell me their thoughts about this or anything else :)
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<dsimic> but actually, the fixed-width font looks smaller than the rest of the text, so that might be fixed
<f_> The monospace font you mean?
<f_> I agree, yes.
<dsimic> yes... also, I'm not sure that using "-at-" and "-dot-" is necessary
<f_> dsimic: Spam measures?
<dsimic> many mailing lists announce their email addresses with no obscuring
<f_> Sure.
<dsimic> thanks, looks much better IMHO
<dsimic> now that I think about it, using fixed-width font probably isn't necessary for the IRC server parameters
<dsimic> also, perhaps it would be good to list "Latest release candidate" right below "Latest release"
<dsimic> moreover, if you want to keep fixed-width font for the IRC server parameters, "next" in "next branch" should also use it
<f_> Sure
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<marex> f_: so where can I see the current state, so I can criticize too ? :)
<marex> Secure Site Not Available
<marex> OK
<f_> Yeah it's HTTP-only.
<f_> The preview is temporary anyway.
<f_> brb setting up tls
<f_> marex: HTTPS should work now.
<f_> That was easy.
<marex> f_: isnt the copyright thing at the bottom supposed to have a year there ?
<f_> Copy-pasted this from readthedocs
<marex> f_: much better, thanks
<marex> Tartarus: ^
<f_> If you wish I can add a year.
<marex> f_: it is probably a range, 1999-2023 I think (better double check that)
<marex> f_: I'd probably put the ML above IRC , since ML is the primary point of contact
<marex> beyond that, it is pretty nice
<f_> The CSS file actually has another copyright
<f_> > * Copyright (C) 2023, Ferass El Hafidi <vitali64pmemail@protonmail.com>
<marex> surely does not apply to the uboot codebase ;-)
<f_> marex: Nah only applies to the CSS file.
<marex> f_: btw. Latest release and next branch could use a link
<f_> Sure.
<f_> But first:
<marex> f_: (maybe a link to the release tarball for 2023.10 would be nice)
<f_> marex: Perfect.
<marex> f_: I think the copyright year thing , it should be a range since the beginning of the project until this year
<marex> I think
<marex> the rest is pretty cool , really
<f_> Thought it should be a range since the website creation until now?
<f_> Thanks!
<marex> f_: so , what does the copyright protect, the website or the codebase ?
<f_> Only the website.
<marex> <- not a lawyer
<marex> then I guess 2023 it is
<f_> <- not a lawyer either
<f_> marex: Where can I find tarballs?
<f_> oh right
<f_> GitLab does tarballs
<marex> f_: very nice
<f_> Thanks!
<marex> f_: btw checksum for those tarballs would be useful
<f_> Sure, where are they?
<marex> You may also consider subscribing. -> This is a subscription only list, no ?
<f_> I don't think so.
<marex> f_: good question , I uh ... dont use them :)
<marex> afaict when you send email to lists@ , the stuff gets moderated unless youre subscribed
<f_> Yes, but after you send more emails they end up getting through
<marex> btw 'next' branch link is not working , it is just gray box for me
<f_> if the first moderated emails you sent went through in the first place.
<f_> marex: Ah that's because it's not a link!
<marex> f_: that is because Tartarus marks you with some exception I think
<f_> probably
<marex> f_: the better process is to subscribe and then if you dont want to receive emails, configure that on the lists website
<f_> sure
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<f_> I probably should
<f_> marex: `next` is now a link.
<f_> That's all for today.
<f_> See you later!
<marex> f_: thanks !
<Forty-Bot> f_: looking good
<Forty-Bot> one thing to note is the favicon is missing transpacency, which looks odd in dark mode https://imgur.com/bjiP8x4.png
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<f_> Forty-Bot: yup I'll fix that
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