Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2023.10, v2024.01-rc3 are OUT / Merge Window is CLOSED, next branch is OPEN / Release v2024.01 is scheduled for 08 January 2024 / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
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<Clamor> Tartarus: not yet, I was waiting for the command to do so
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<milkylainen> Does u-boot support xz format unpack.
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<milkylainen> Of images in dtbs..
<LeSpocky> we pack our stuff with gzip
<LeSpocky> u-boot can unpack that
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<milkylainen> LeSpocky: gzip != xz. :)
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<LeSpocky> sure, but after reading https://www.nongnu.org/lzip/xz_inadequate.html I try tp avoid xz wherever I can ^
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<marex> milkylainen: maybe with cmd/lzmadec.c , but I havent tried it
<marex> milkylainen: I'm mostly using lzo, because it is fast to unpack and has decent ratio
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<milkylainen> marex: I have a machine with super slow nor flash access. So I get smaller images for the same total amount of boot time.
<milkylainen> marex: Not sure about lzma. I'm not a lzma/lzma2.0 etc expert. I thought xz was some upgraded lzma format. But not the same?
<milkylainen> Or something.
<milkylainen> So what I need to know is if I pack dtb constituents with xz, can u-boot unpack them? Or do I need to use lzma as the command (decompression suffers?)
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<milkylainen> I guess it's also indirectly a part of the desired FIT image spec. Ie, does the spec. want to regulate available compression options? I know it sounds stupid, but it also means that adhering to spec, your loader should be able to unpack images specified with the allowed compression formats.
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<Tartarus> Clamor: sorry, I thought I said you should do that a while ago.
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<Clamor> Tartarus: not a problem
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<silurian_invader> milkylainen: it supports lzma at least
<silurian_invader> xz is some extensions on top of lzma
<Clamor> Tartarus: I am in, what is next?
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<Tartarus> Clamor: OK, I've added you to the project in gitlab
<Tartarus> Go ahead and prepare a pull request for -next if there's things you think are ready, or for -master if there's regression fixes that need to come in
<Tartarus> and oh good, b4 shazam takes URLs or message IDs
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<Clamor> Tartarus: thanks!
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<Tartarus> milkylainen: re compression algos, I think part of the issue is that in the kernel, xz and lzma are under lib/xz/ in U-Boot we have lib/lzma and have taken that from the lzma project, but ages ago. So one of those nice to have improvements would likely be to replace/upgrade our lzma-and-related with the kernel's xz-and-related code
<Tartarus> zstd is one that we keep in sync with the kernel, so there's at least an example to look at for inspiration on porting
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<milkylainen> silurian_invader, Tartarus: Ok. So no xz container(?) formats at this point in time?
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<silurian_invader> milkylainen: afaik no; see e.g. image.h
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<milkylainen> silurian_invader: tnx. I wasn't sure about it being some container thingy. Never quite grasped the relation and development history of lzma/xz.
<Tartarus> milkylainen: honestly, it's a matter of test it and see, with CMD_LZMADEC and such
<Tartarus> I really forget the history / compatibility of this stuff
<milkylainen> Tartarus: will do. We have not gotten that far yet for that machine.
<Tartarus> milkylainen: You can always pass a file along to qemu or sandbox :)
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<milkylainen> We have situations trying to adapt between barebox and u-boot with fit images. Barebox doesn't like external data. Has xz, but not zstd as a image decompressor (think it's available for squashfs though). U-boot, doesn't have xz but supports zstd.
<milkylainen> I'm not saying these are any big issues at all, but just minor nuances to navigate.
<Tartarus> Yeah. I'm just saying, I'm not sure if we do/don't support "xz", given that it's all part of lzma and a little funny
<Tartarus> But it should be quick enough to pass a file.xz along to qemu-whatever and see if lzmadec can handle it
<Tartarus> There's also lzo/lz4/gz, so there must be some common ground today
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<marex> milkylainen: so, use U-Boot and dont complicate your life with downstream forks ?
<silurian_invader> I don't know if barebox is "downstream"
<Clamor> Tartarus: next merge window will start on 1st Jan 2024? Until then only bugfixes are accepted?
<Tartarus> Clamor: the next branch is also open, now
<Tartarus> So sounds like I need to clarify something in development process docs
<marex> silurian_invader: it is a fork of U-Boot ran mostly by a single company
<marex> silurian_invader: of a very old U-Boot
<silurian_invader> yeah, but how often do they merge in things from U-Boot?
<marex> silurian_invader: I noticed quite a few every once in a while
<silurian_invader> if they never do it, it's not really downstream
<marex> silurian_invader: its still based on old U-Boot, so ... yes ?
<silurian_invader> firefox is just a downstream fork of netscape
<marex> silurian_invader: except mozilla cooperated with netscape and netscape is now superseded
<Clamor> Tartarus: where can I read about the correct way of initiating pull requests? I prepared commits tagr have accepted but did not prepare, it would be a nice way to practice.
<milkylainen> I'd say they're pretty different by now, but I don't care that much. If there is a working bootloader running on whatever latest from u-boot or barebox I'll happily use them both.
<f_> Oh barebox?
<milkylainen> f_: ?
<Tartarus> Clamor: git request-pull, or try out b4 pr ? I prefer to have a tag to pull, and the tag having a commit message that explains what's in it. But that's not required, just nice.
<marex> I dont like vendor lockin
<f_> I prefer upstream :)
<f_> Upstreaming is very important, folks!
<milkylainen> Neither do I, so I'll use whatever is available, recent etc.
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<milkylainen> Ie, both. Not much of a preference.
<milkylainen> But this is getting philosophical.
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<Clamor> Tartarus: I have generated a request-pull, is there a form to send it?
<Tartarus> just git send-email it?
<Clamor> Use -p with request-pull?
<Tartarus> Something that looks like https://patchwork.ozlabs.org/project/uboot/patch/2c9801da21a9$39c76750$ad5635f0$@samsung.com/ is fine
<Tartarus> dunno what the flags are sorry
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<milkylainen> xz port from kernel would be nice though.
<marex> milkylainen: you know the process, right ?
<milkylainen> marex: You mean beside filling the implementation with backdoors? :)
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<marex> milkylainen: I mean, implement it, send patch, etc.
<milkylainen> marex: yes. I know. :)
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<Clamor> Tartarus: sent, I hope all is correct
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