Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2023.10, v2024.01-rc1 are OUT / Merge Window is CLOSED, next branch is CLOSED / Release v2024.01 is scheduled for 08 January 2024 / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
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<Forty-Bot> marex: why not `mmc part 0 0`?
<sjg1> Hi, unfortunately I don't have mailing-list access at present (since about the 25th) so you will get a rest from me for a while
<marex> Forty-Bot: mmc raw and mmc part are different things, raw is the whole device
<Forty-Bot> right and part 0 is the whole device
<marex> Forty-Bot: what ? how ?
<Forty-Bot> sjg1: hope you get that sorted out
<marex> sjg1: eh ?
<Forty-Bot> marex: depends on the function that you use but https://u-boot.readthedocs.io/en/stable/usage/partitions.html
<Forty-Bot> > The partition number 0 specifies that the whole device is to be used as one “partition.”
<marex> ewwwwwww
<Forty-Bot> it's actually quite convenient, since you can use this basically anywhere that only expects partitions
<Forty-Bot> e.g. (on the host) `fastboot flash 0:0 whole_mmc.img`
<Forty-Bot> actually, fastboot has a bit of a problem in this area, in that there are ~3 ways to access the emmc boot partitions
* marex rolls eyes
<marex> Forty-Bot: I have to admit, this is inobvious (and I was not aware of this, hence the patch)
<Forty-Bot> yeah, I wrote up that page a few years ago because I didn't know about it either and it was pretty helpful
<marex> I think the mmc raw start 0 is less confusing though, and cheap to add
<Forty-Bot> eh, I would rather reduce the amount of ways to say things
<Forty-Bot> makes it much easier to change/test things later on
<Forty-Bot> like, the fastboot thing can't really be fixed since it's been around for several years
<Forty-Bot> a "clean" implementation could easily be half the code side
<Forty-Bot> *size
<marex> DFU was around for a decade too
<marex> Forty-Bot: and btw with mmc raw 0 0 mmcpart 1 you can expose whole mmc hw partitions, you cannot do that with mmc part
<Forty-Bot> if you allow the full syntax you can do `0.1:0`
<marex> Forty-Bot: probably a matter of subsequent DFU overhaul then, currently it only parses the partitions as plain integers
<marex> the udc/gadget stuff needs much work
<Forty-Bot> it's just a matter of subbing out part_get_info for part_get_info_by_dev_and_name_or_num
<Forty-Bot> (that last function is way too long...)
<Forty-Bot> maybe it should get renamed to part_get_inf_full
<sjg1> Marex yes I will see if I can fix it next week
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<marex> sjg1: what happened ?
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<marex> Forty-Bot: so effectively mmc raw and mmc part can be made very much identical ?
<Forty-Bot> yup
<Forty-Bot> I mean, there probably could be a common "block" dfu implementation\
<Forty-Bot> but ensuring legacy users stay supported will make that kind of unification difficult
<marex> Forty-Bot: add to that that the whole udc is basically unmaintained
<marex> that includes dfu
<Forty-Bot> :l
<marex> Forty-Bot: I'm hoping Mattijs can help a bit
<marex> Forty-Bot: but really, maintainer shortage it is
<Forty-Bot> I'm not really on top of my stuff either...
<marex> sigh