Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2023.10, v2024.01-rc3 are OUT / Merge Window is CLOSED, next branch is OPEN / Release v2024.01 is scheduled for 08 January 2024 / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
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<f_> marex, sjg1: Amlogic RE progress: S905X boots!
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<f_> Now to be able to boot from eMMC I need the pinctrl framework..which doesn't fit
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<marex> f_: in SPL ?
<marex> f_: you dont
<marex> f_: in SPL you dont need DM
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<f_> but most amlogic drivers use DM.
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<marex> f_: is it the pinctrl tables which do not fit ?
<f_> the framework doesn't fit
<f_> It may be counter productive, but should I convert meson drivers back to legacy, for SPL?
<f_> (for saving space, perhaps)
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<marex> f_: uh ... what is your SPL size limit ?
<marex> f_: I think most of the code could be dual non-DM/DM , no ?
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<f_> 48K, but in practise it's 44K.
<f_> and yes, that's what I meant by "converting", having dual non-DM/DM code.
<f_> marex: 4K is taken by an @AML bootrom header.
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<marex> f_: ha, that is a bit on the smaller side
<marex> f_: unless you want to go the TPL->SPL->U-Boot route (doubtful), non-SPL SPL pinmux would be just fine I think
<marex> Tartarus: ^
<diederik> when booting my Rock64 (rk3328) with u-boot 2023.07+dfsg-1 (also with 2023.01 version), I see this: "WARNING: BL31: cortex_a53: CPU workaround for 1530924 was missing!" Should I care?
<marex> diederik: yes
<marex> diederik: but this is not U-Boot defect, this is TFA defect
<diederik> I found that it was enabled (in TF-A) for various platforms, but not for rk3328
<f_> marex: non-SPL SPL pinmux???
<diederik> yeah, I had a feeling it was a TF-A problem. Thanks
<diederik> TF-A requires a GitHub account? :-/
<f_> diederik: No? AFAICT they use Gerrit now.
<marex> f_: but to log into that , you do need Microsoft GitHub account ;-)
<f_> oh :/
<f_> That's why I self-host my git repos :)
* marex refrains from venting any more negative thoughts today
<diederik> You need to be logged into https://developer.trustedfirmware.org/ ... I wonder if they've checked there recently ... :-O
<f_> (I used GitLab.com before, but realised self-hosting was much better)
<marex> f_: I self host and use gitlab.com , as applicable
<f_> gitlab.com is using gitlab ee which is proprietary...
<marex> f_: I dont really want to deal with server maintenance
<marex> f_: luckily source.denx.de is using gitlab-ce :-)
<diederik> Didn't help with the *trusted* part of their name ...
<f_> As for server maintenance I don't work on maintaining git hosting much
<marex> diederik: tbh, every time I see something called "trusted" and a bunch of locks on the website, I lose all trust in that stuff
<f_> For the most part if was just fire and forget
<f_> (for the most part)
<f_> s/if/it/
<marex> diederik: and after being involved in that development process, well, I didn't regain that trust
<diederik> marex: I guess you didn't open the URL ... but it looks like it has been hacked ...
<diederik> or at least full of spam
<f_> *hijacked
<marex> diederik: I didn't open it, no
<f_> hah their Phabricator instance is full of spam.
<marex> I guess I'll stick with community development for the foreseeable future :)
<diederik> Looks like I can send an email to their ML, so I'll go for that.
<f_> marex: :)
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