Tartarus changed the topic of #u-boot to: SOURCE MOVED TO https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot.git / U-Boot v2023.10, v2024.01-rc2 are OUT / Merge Window is CLOSED, next branch is OPEN / Release v2024.01 is scheduled for 08 January 2024 / Channel archives at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/u-boot
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<kabel> anybody has solidrun lx2160 based board?
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<apalos> i used to have one
<marex> i used to want one
<rfs613> tail = size % 4;
<rfs613> write(ifd, (char *)&zero, 4 - tail)
<rfs613> how many bytes can this copy?
<apalos> thats a trick question, it depends
<rfs613> enlighten me... ;-)
<rfs613> tail is an int, FWIW
<apalos> what's the second argument in write?
<apalos> bah let me remember promotion ruls,
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<apalos> ah I lost the size % 4
<apalos> So at most 4?
<rfs613> that's what I would think.
<rfs613> but gcc-11 seems to think it could be as much as 5.
<rfs613> and it issues a warning that the source buffer ("zero") is not big enough.
<Tartarus> kabel: Jon used to be on IRC I think? And twitter, if he's not via email atm.
<apalos> what do you need the cast * for?
<apalos> write takes a void ptr
<rfs613> apalos: because in this case "zero" is defined as an int. (on arm32 platform, so it is 4 bytes).
<marex> rfs613: could that have to do with arm aligned LDR opcode ?
<rfs613> marex: hmm well the int zero, which is on the local stack frame, would be aligned on a multiple of 4 at least. So I don't see how alignment would cause it to read more than 4 bytes from the buffer.
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<marex> rfs613: is size signed or unsigned ?
<apalos> rfs613: out of curiocity what's the tail type?
<rfs613> marex: size is an int
<rfs613> apalos: tail is also an int
<marex> rfs613: signed int ? :)
<marex> rfs613: could that have something to do with it ?
<apalos> rfs613: so everything is promoted to int, and even before that tail is 0...3
<apalos> I am confused :P
<rfs613> this code is from tools/imx8image.c. To "fix" the gcc warning, the type of "int zero" was changed to "unit64_t" in commit 16841a6a
<marex> apalos: I ran into similar weirdness with gcc 13 and sigrok, so I am also confused
<rfs613> I don't understand why gcc is complaining. And in terms of a fix, the same function has an uint8_t array called "zeros" which is memset to zero. So I would think they could just change the write() to use "zeros" instead of "zero" and that would take care of it as well.
<rfs613> also note this is built with $HOSTCC which in my case is x86_64, not arm...
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<apalos> rfs613: whats the exact warning?
<rfs613> apalos: "warning: ‘write’ reading 5 bytes from a region of size 4"
<rfs613> gcc-9.2 does not produce it, but gcc-11 does.
<rfs613> it also reports: /usr/include/unistd.h:378:16: note: in a call to function ‘write’ declared with attribute ‘access (read_only, 2, 3)’
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<kabel> Tartarus: jon who? :)
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<Tartarus> https://mastodon.online/@linux4kix as well, but not very active there either.
<Tartarus> But, uh, Jon @ SolidRun who deals with among other things that lx2160 desktop machine :)
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<kabel> Tartarus: thx
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<Tartarus> New topic, over here before I try and bring it up on the mailing list. Anyone have thoughts and perhaps more importantly skills/time to make a brief website for U-Boot? Simon got u-boot.org for us, and our readthedocs page automatically redirects to docs.u-boot.org, so we have that going now. An "easy" first step would be I think to just have the docs page also cover the main domain/CNAME at it or whatever
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<f_> Tartarus: I could
<f_> I can make a website if y'all wish
<Tartarus> I should note that I don't have any ideas about hosting, so something low resource would be good too, in case it ends up being stuck on a personal cloud instance and hoping to stay in the free tier
<f_> oh I'm not the kind of person who JSifies webpages
<f_> HTML and CSS is enough for a website
<f_> *are enough
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<Tartarus> Yeah, that sounds good to me :)
<Tartarus> Also means we don't have to worry about cookies if we never use any cookies
<f_> No need for cookies either, indeed :)
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