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<azonenberg> :O just looked on pico's website
<azonenberg> they're making an e-cal for their VNAs
* azonenberg can't wait to throw out these manual SOLT standards
<electronic_eel> downside is that you'll have to by a new ecal when you upgrade to another vendor
<azonenberg> I'd need to anyway
<azonenberg> because the pico SOLTs are not that great compared to other vendors' standards
<azonenberg> most other standards are super low return loss etc
<azonenberg> Pico's approach is to use cheap, low quality standards but characterize the hell out of them
<azonenberg> and correct for the errors in postprocessing
<azonenberg> i.e. you're not calibrating with an ideal short you're calibrating with something that's kinda a short, but you know exactly how not-short it is
<azonenberg> So they're limited to using their own standards that have cal data in their format
<electronic_eel> hmm, interesting approach. i guess it is labor intensive to characterize each piece like this.
<azonenberg> not really, just slap each one on a VNA
<azonenberg> their .kit cal data file is literally a bunch of concatenated touchstone files for each standard
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