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<Degi> Looks like we can forget about HMCAD1511/1520 for 2022
<Degi> AD9690 sounds fun
<azonenberg> Degi: oh?
<azonenberg> are they already sold out into 2023?
<Degi> Well the one I can find is start of 2023 on Mouser, at least Mouser and Digi-Key are sold out with 52 weeks lead time
<azonenberg> Lovely
<Degi> Hm yes, 16/02/2023
<azonenberg> I have four HMCAD1520s in inventory in my lab, planned for a single channel prototype of the original 4x HMCAD1520 interleaved ZENNECK
<Degi> Apparently LCSC has 5 left
<azonenberg> So I could do something with them. Or if someone has a legitimate need in the near term, I might be willing to part with them for the current digikey list price
<azonenberg> (at least one or two, probably not all)
<Degi> According to OctoPart this dubious site has 1002
<Degi> iodparts and winsource say they have 1000 each in stock but winsource is a bit pricy and iodparts wants rfq
<Degi> Also Ebay has some, even cheaper than mouser, I wonder if they'd actually arrive
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<someone-else> worst case if there's no stock they'll just refund you
<someone-else> most likely these small sellers access the same stock which is listed on
<someone-else> but prices might be better
<someone-else> also, I have a couple of HMCAD1511s bought from lcsc when they were $16.3846 each
<someone-else> don't have a plan to use then anymore (300MHz FPBW meh), so they can be yours if you have
<someone-else> wow, they're $97.0038 each now on lcsc
<someone-else> holy supply and demand batman
<azonenberg> someone-else: digikey price in the Before Times was something like $60-70
<azonenberg> and the 1520 was a bit over $100, maybe $110ish?
<someone-else> yep, there was a glut of HMCAD1511s no one wanted in China hence the $16 price
<someone-else> now there's shortage
<someone-else> or maybe not, they're just hoarding the same reel just in case
<someone-else> HMCAD1511s are used in lot of low-end Chinese scopes
<someone-else> HMCAD1520s aren't so they weren't as available
<azonenberg> I'm honestly surprised more of the cheap scopes don't have a slightly more expensive 12 bit mode
<azonenberg> the 1520 is pretty much drop in compatible with the 1511 given new firmware
<azonenberg> you could make an alternate stuff of the same board and sell it for quite a bit more
<azonenberg> are their frontends just so crappy that they can't benefit from the extra resolution because there's so much noise?
<someone-else> perhaps were wasn't enough margin for the more expensive 1520
<someone-else> I wonder if anybody did actually do the upgrade themselves
<azonenberg> You'd have to rewrite / patch the FPGA firmware
<azonenberg> while you could drop in the chip easily with hot air, it would function like a 1511
<someone-else> yeah, quite a bit more difficult than just swapping the ADC
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<azonenberg> AKL-PT5s are at my local fedex hub coming today or tomorrow woop
<azonenberg> And it's out for delivery
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