Random fun fact: The Vishay CH resistors I use on some of my probes, at $7.10 each (digikey qty 1 price) and an estimated 310 μg each, cost $3226/g
Which is more than gold ($57/g) or cocaine (average street price in the US $120/g)
and only 32x less than the Mona Lisa ($850M / 18 pounds, it's painted on a wood panel) at $104K/g
imagining if there was a competitive market for individual grams of the mona lisa
azonenberg, yes really crazy price ;)
someone-else has joined #scopehal
sorear: lol
Also... turns out the big difference feature wise between the D420 probe I got from ebay and the D420-A I already have is that the -A adds support for the QL-SI tip
which i find very curious
the two otherwise have the same performance
i assumed the tips were all essentially the same
and the only thing that was changed was flatness correction coefficients in the scope
massi has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
Also, update from Vishay
HML series are "made to order only"
i'm trying to get a) some samples and b) a MOQ
ok it seems MOQ is 100 units
But Vishay has a few contract overruns left over from a previous batch. They're going to hook me up with some samples
So I can test them against the old and new style LeCroy resistors and compare performance
Conveniently, that's three options and oshpark is giving me three boards... ;)
<Uwe> What is that special about those HML resistors?
They're non inductive axial lead through hole resistors that are tiny, 0.5mm square x 1mm long body
which makes them great for use as probe tips
Assuming, of course, that the LeCroy resistors I'm looking at are indeed HML01s
i'm ~98% sure at this point, same dimensions and package markings
<Uwe> Ah. 30 years ago that size was probably better available than now. Should I look if I find some 47/51 Ohm/0.063 Watt/THT somewhere in the backyard? But I can not guarantee non-induktive design.
These are 100 ohm
and i'
and i'm targeting high single to low double digit GHz
non-inductive is critical
i've been looking for these for months
and only a few weeks ago did i succeed in identifying them
I tried to buy some from distributors but they were backordered with no ETA
so i went straight to the manufacturer and am having some success, they're shipping me 5 samples
if i want more, i'll have to special order 100
<Uwe> When i find 100 Ohm tomorrow, I will scratch the parts if the resistive layer has "turns".
<Uwe> Are you in EU?
No, US
The other thing is, i'm not just looking for some random one-offs
I want to find something I can obtain a steady, consistent supply of
There's no point in putting a lot of design and engineering effort into building a probe around one 1980s resistor that's now unobtainium
<Uwe> Okay.
<Uwe> Minimelf 0102 is to big?
It has to be through hole that's the thing
for this design
you're relying on flex in the leads to absorb strain on the probe and make it less fragile than my previous design which used flip chip 0402s and castellated tips
the tip has a SMT resistor then the through hole resistor soldered on edge-launch style
the free end of the resistor gets soldered to the DUT
<Uwe> If you get fed with me, please let me know 😉 Otherweise what about spot weld wires to Minimelfs ? Or perhaps use "high temperature" solder to attach a wire?
Spot welding wires to melfs is a nice idea. It's also been done