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<azonenberg> Random fun fact: The Vishay CH resistors I use on some of my probes, at $7.10 each (digikey qty 1 price) and an estimated 310 μg each, cost $3226/g
<azonenberg> Which is more than gold ($57/g) or cocaine (average street price in the US $120/g)
<azonenberg> and only 32x less than the Mona Lisa ($850M / 18 pounds, it's painted on a wood panel) at $104K/g
<sorear> imagining if there was a competitive market for individual grams of the mona lisa
<bvernoux> azonenberg, yes really crazy price ;)
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<azonenberg> sorear: lol
<azonenberg> Also... turns out the big difference feature wise between the D420 probe I got from ebay and the D420-A I already have is that the -A adds support for the QL-SI tip
<azonenberg> which i find very curious
<azonenberg> the two otherwise have the same performance
<azonenberg> i assumed the tips were all essentially the same
<azonenberg> and the only thing that was changed was flatness correction coefficients in the scope
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<azonenberg> Also, update from Vishay
<azonenberg> HML series are "made to order only"
<azonenberg> i'm trying to get a) some samples and b) a MOQ
<azonenberg> ok it seems MOQ is 100 units
<azonenberg> But Vishay has a few contract overruns left over from a previous batch. They're going to hook me up with some samples
<azonenberg> So I can test them against the old and new style LeCroy resistors and compare performance
<azonenberg> Conveniently, that's three options and oshpark is giving me three boards... ;)
<d1b2> <Uwe> What is that special about those HML resistors?
<azonenberg> They're non inductive axial lead through hole resistors that are tiny, 0.5mm square x 1mm long body
<azonenberg> which makes them great for use as probe tips
<azonenberg> Assuming, of course, that the LeCroy resistors I'm looking at are indeed HML01s
<azonenberg> i'm ~98% sure at this point, same dimensions and package markings
<d1b2> <Uwe> Ah. 30 years ago that size was probably better available than now. Should I look if I find some 47/51 Ohm/0.063 Watt/THT somewhere in the backyard? But I can not guarantee non-induktive design.
<azonenberg> These are 100 ohm
<azonenberg> and i'
<azonenberg> and i'm targeting high single to low double digit GHz
<azonenberg> non-inductive is critical
<azonenberg> i've been looking for these for months
<azonenberg> and only a few weeks ago did i succeed in identifying them
<azonenberg> I tried to buy some from distributors but they were backordered with no ETA
<azonenberg> so i went straight to the manufacturer and am having some success, they're shipping me 5 samples
<azonenberg> if i want more, i'll have to special order 100
<d1b2> <Uwe> When i find 100 Ohm tomorrow, I will scratch the parts if the resistive layer has "turns".
<d1b2> <Uwe> Are you in EU?
<azonenberg> No, US
<azonenberg> The other thing is, i'm not just looking for some random one-offs
<azonenberg> I want to find something I can obtain a steady, consistent supply of
<azonenberg> There's no point in putting a lot of design and engineering effort into building a probe around one 1980s resistor that's now unobtainium
<d1b2> <Uwe> Okay.
<d1b2> <Uwe> Minimelf 0102 is to big?
<azonenberg> It has to be through hole that's the thing
<azonenberg> for this design
<azonenberg> you're relying on flex in the leads to absorb strain on the probe and make it less fragile than my previous design which used flip chip 0402s and castellated tips
<azonenberg> see these commercial probes
<azonenberg> these are differential and my first one will be single ended transmission line design
<azonenberg> but same basic idea
<d1b2> <Uwe> Are the probe pins soldered to the board?
<azonenberg> the tip has a SMT resistor then the through hole resistor soldered on edge-launch style
<azonenberg> the free end of the resistor gets soldered to the DUT
<d1b2> <Uwe> If you get fed with me, please let me know 😉 Otherweise what about spot weld wires to Minimelfs ? Or perhaps use "high temperature" solder to attach a wire?
<azonenberg> Spot welding wires to melfs is a nice idea. It's also been done
<azonenberg> well maybe it was solder, idk
<azonenberg> and they encapsulated them in epoxy
<azonenberg> This is what rev A of the lecroy solder-in probe used
<azonenberg> circa 2013
<azonenberg> then some time since then they switched to the modern white ones they use now, which i believe are HML01
<azonenberg> presumably because buying HMLs was cheaper than this obviously very custom hack job
<azonenberg> I'm certainly considering other options, but there's probably a reason the big guys use these resistors
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