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So I had a few minutes before bed and started work on the OpenCL rendering stuff
laid a bunch of groundwork but nothing usable yet
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±4]
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg 5fcec32 - Initial skeleton of OpenCL rendering path for analog waveforms. Doesn;t do anything useful yet.
There's a preference to enable it, if enabled it will call an empty kernel when you try to render a waveform
then fall through to the existing OpenGL renderer to actually give you something to look at
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someone-else: I mean you could totally have an analog equalizer composed of varactors or something
would work fine at 2-10ghz frequencies required
Hmm, the step size is a bit large but that sounds neat
Ooh I see, it uses switched capacitors, so it probably has better linearity than a varactor maybe
yep, they are excellent
even have models in the datasheet
you have to translate them into SPICE yourself, but it's quite easy
don't let min/max frequencies from the datasheet fool you, they actually work fine from dc to light
as long as RLC values do something useful for you
Hmm, you could put the 600 fF one in series with like a 200 fF capacitor and an inductor such that it resonates around where the amp has its peak and then use that in parallel to the transmission line to have a variable frequency damper. Ideally some variable resistor could adjust the Q factor
I have some around so I might bodge something on the existing lmh3401 flex
I think as a variable resistance we should use a piece of tungsten sheet which gets inductively heated to change its resistance
Degi: simulated pe64906 with a 10ohm series resistor, does pretty much exactly what is needed
How is the response otherwise below 6 GHz?
Hm, maybe we can have two with different series resistances (though that might be a bit overkill)
serial pins are named SCL and SDA but the interface is actually SPI
So usually they would be SCLK, SDI and CS? lol
Figure 10 even shows its SRF vs the state
they almost trapped me into connecting pe64906 to the i2c bus on another pcb in progress
"Each bit of the 8-bit telegram is clocked" they call it a telegram, what is going on there..
I'm going to use 8-bit telegrams everywhere from now on
widely supported 3-wire (SPI compatible) interface" connected with SCL and SDA and a maximum frequency of 26 MHz
I2C and SPI kind of give the impression of something standardized, but then one manufacturer has a bidirectional SDIO pin and another mixes it with I2C naming. And isn't the CS line usually inverted?
obviously they didn't care lol
on the other hand they have pretty alien SOI technology, so why not have a special serial interface, too
*SOS (silicon on sapphire)
pretty interesting lecture from the founder: v
but otherwise a seriously amazing device
i'm using it to trim 1meg scope frontend in the works
* GenTooMan
laughs at SPI, "well considering it's the combination of 5 different companies standards no surprise. TI had their protocol Motorola National semi and a few others. As a consequence SPI has is and will be a mess.
so we are stuck with a bunch of proprietary "standard" protocols from the 1980's and 1990's :D
<Uwe> Peregrine is now PSemi, a daughter of Murata...
uwe: First of its name, king of the DC-DCs and the ceramic capacitors?
azonenberg: they discontinued my favorite LXDC2HL dc-dc converters from under me
now intel discontinued my second favorite enpirion dc-dc converters
My favorite DC-DC these days for general purpose applications is the LTC3374A
so flexible
now looking for a third-favorite dc-dc converter type hopefully in stock and not discontinued anytime soon. Murata is tempting me again with MYRGP/MYRGM
azonenberg: pretty nice, though I was looking for something with inductors in package
I'm using a MYTNA1R84RELA2RA for VCCINT on an upcoming design
then an LTC3374 for everything else
fed by an OKL-T/3-W12P-C
That's my one complaint about the 3374, it won't do 12V in
so for a 12V application i have to make a 5V intermediate rail
cool, I need something for the kintex too
4A might not be enough though
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Yeah this was for a 7k70t
For MAXWELL I had an 1/8 brick module picked out, let me see what it was
Two of them, actually, since the board has two 1.0V rails
1V0_1 drives Kintex VCCBRAM and VCCINT, 1V0_2 drives MGTAVCC as well as VCCINT/VCCBRAM for the Spartan-7 auxiliary FPGA
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I was eyeing 2x EN63A0QI but then again Pat Gelsinger decided no more Enpirion for me
(MAXWELL has a 7k160t)
why, Pat?? such fine dc-dc converters they were
could've sold them to somebody instead of killing off the entire product line
7k160t/7k325t in my case
where I've been shopping recently, 7k325t is cheaper than 7k160t lol
i've avoided the >160s because they've got 4 digit price tags at digikey and don't work with free vivado
if I can't fit in a 7k160t i'd look at a ku025
vivado license requirement is a downside, yep
So basically my list of potential higher end parts is 7k70t, 7k160t, ku025, ku035, ku3p, ku5p
but how many of those do you have to buy before you get one that works? :p
i've had... not great luck buying chips from unofficial sources
one or two? i have a handful, seems ok
my theory is that some chinese contract manufacturer dumped a few reels of these around the time 7-series bitstream security got broken
and they have been gathering dust on some shelves there since
works for me since bitstream security is something I don't care about
btw, lattice announced some new kintex-y parts with fast transceivers which would probably have much saner prices compared to xilinx
the plan is to move to them in a year or two in case something happens to chinese kintex supply
The CertusPro?
They sound very nice
Haha, wasn't there one case where some Arduino alike manufacturer bought ATMega32u4 or so and they were fake and just a solid piece of copper inside
Damn, 5 of then for 200 $
same 28nm as kintex-7 but fd-soi
hopefully reasonably priced
level of capability to fake kintex-7 parts is so much higher compared to needed for fake arduinos so everybody possessing such tech has, hopefully, better things to do
well i'm more worried about speed grade rebins, damaged parts resold as new, etc
could be but the price differential is so gigantic so it's probably worth the added hassle
they are also pretty transparent about reballs and new parts with prices being ~2x different
there's no evidence of re-marking anyway and doing it properly seems difficult with the metal lids
Some sandpaper and an inkjet printer...
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well, markings are lasered on
no ink
I think sometimes on fakes its done with ink (at least on the plastic ICs)
sure, but these kintexes just look too pretty
to be fake
Huh, you can get a XC7K325T PCIe card for 350 €