azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing | | Logs:
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<GenTooMan> you made hack a day with your 6 layer PCB repairs
<GenTooMan> :D
<azonenberg> GenTooMan: yeah i saw lol
<azonenberg> Sorry i havent been too active lately, i'm trying to wind down a bunch of other projects
<azonenberg> i'm also starting work on a major new feature for glscopeclient in partnership with an instrument vendor but won't be pushing my code until their side of it is release ready
<azonenberg> the deal is, i get early access to [redacted] for dev, but i'm not allowed to spoil the surprise about what they have coming
<azonenberg> So i'll be doing some dev in a private feature branch and merging upstream once their end is released
<d1b2> <esden> heh... everyone in the comments is excited about FIB 😄
<azonenberg> yeah this is probably still a little large for fib work
<azonenberg> but i *am* starting to think about breaking out some old micropositioners for continuity testing on the next bodge
<d1b2> <esden> ohh to microposition probes?
<d1b2> <esden> That sounds indeed very handy
<azonenberg> Yeah. And i might revisit my old electrochemically etched tungsten wire needles
<azonenberg> i've run out of probes i think, but i have plenty of tungsten wire
<azonenberg> i could probably build a much better etch setup with my new power supplies that have PC control capability
<azonenberg> so i could do automatic cutoff when the etch is done
<azonenberg> and then do programmable overetch (since i don't actually need/want a nanometer scale tip for this)
<d1b2> <esden> That sounds like a lot of fun! 😄
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