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<electronic_eel> azonenberg: did you see the latest signal path episode, the one with the nixie counter? Shahriar briefly shows a new siggen he's been testing from
<electronic_eel> the one he's been testing goes to 15 GHz, but they also have one up to 20 GHz. the 20 GHz one is only $2250. wouldn't one of those be a better fit for your scope vna idea? because you wouldn't need external doublers or triplers
<electronic_eel> downside of these siggens is that they don't have modulation capability. but for the vna thing that wouldn't be used anyways as far as i understood it
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<electronic_eel> s/modulation capability/vector modulation capability/
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<azonenberg> yes i did, looks cool
<azonenberg> It would be a better fit but i was getting the vector siggen for other reasons
<azonenberg> I'm certainly eyeing the ERA as a possible addition to the lab. my use case actually would be as a synthesizer for a LO that I'd then mix with the output of the siglent
<azonenberg> to get vector modulation out into the X-band
<azonenberg> vs right now i can do that, but i have to generate the LO by doubling/tripling the tone output of my VNA
<azonenberg> and using the siglent for the IF
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