[scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/JyGDn
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg 91696a9 - Clarified some comments
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[scopehal-apps] azonenberg commented on issue #398: Fail to import touchstone files - https://git.io/JyGHq
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[scopehal] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±2] https://git.io/JyZYC
[scopehal] azonenberg 993d6b7 - DigitalToNRZFilter: fixed offset error for signals with DC bias
[scopehal] azonenberg 84dc6ae - FlowGraphNode: GetInputDisplayName() is now legal to call on null inputs. Fixes #526.
[scopehal] azonenberg closed issue #526: Segfaults on empty golden channel for Clock Jitter (TIE) - https://git.io/JDMMS
[scopehal] robot-army commented on issue #526: Segfaults on empty golden channel for Clock Jitter (TIE) - https://git.io/JyZO6
[scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/JyZBP
[scopehal] azonenberg 0e4c0a4 - EyePattern: Don't reset eye when changing width or height if the new dimensions are the same as the old ones
<dannas> Re @azonenberg's twitter request for SCPI Siglent SDS1104x-e/SDS2104x-e implementers. My intention was to exactly that, but somehow I just got derailed. It looked to me like the SCPI interface of those scopes had quite substantial differences compared to the existing Siglent driver. I wrote a quick hacky python script for experimenting. So atleast I've been able to fetch waveforms from my scope (a sds1104x-e hacked to be sds2104x-e. Here is
<dannas> Let's see if I have some hours tomorrow now that the holiday season is here. It really would be great to have support for my scope. And it really would be great if I managed to test our companies new Rigol MSO8000 scope as well later on.
Yes, support for higher end rigol would be niec too
let me check if we have a ticket for that
if not i'll file one
[scopehal] azonenberg opened issue #527: Add Rigol 8000 series support - https://git.io/JyZRh
[scopehal] azonenberg labeled issue #527: Add Rigol 8000 series support - https://git.io/JyZRh
<dannas> @azonenberg I've added myself as watcher to that issue. I'll make a new attempt tomorrow at retrieving sds1104x-e waveforms with libscopehal
<dannas> AFAIR, AcquireData was the function driving the actual retrieval. I'll try adding code for 1104x-e to the functions called from there.
<dannas> I was a little overwhelmed by the large set of functions in SiglentSCPIOscilloscope, but probably things sort themselves out once I actually start hacking on it.
<dannas> And if anyone from the twitter thread drops by I'm of course very willing to cooperate (Even better if they beat me to finishing before tomorrow 🙂 )
Yes, AcquireData does the actual retrieval
and there's a lot of functions but most of them are quite simple, basically sending one scpi command each and sometimes parsing a reply