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Mubes are you online ?
Or Dannes ?
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<dannas> @mandl I'm here now, if you're still around.
<dannas> Looks like we had a bit of miscommunication regarding those switch-statements. The intention was to have separate cases for each supported model. I think @mubes tried to reach out to you a few times. He has a file where he's done most of the edits.
<dannas> Communication on Internet is hard. 🙂
<mubes> I'm here now.
<mubes> Mandl is a bot reflection from elsewhere so I'm not sure what info he gets.
<dannas> @mubes He stays true to the Internet spirit and stays on IRC. I feel like a sellout using discord. 🙂
<dannas> Or did you mean a bot reflection from some parallell universe?
<mubes> He he. I've just got burnt today by the GSuite grandfathering thing....guess I'll never learn.
<dannas> Oh, they've dropped the free Gsuite. Oups.
<mubes> Yeah, that's gonna hurt.
<dannas> Who would ever know that Google would abandon or change terms for their services. (irony)
<mubes> Obviously not making the profits they need (more irony)
<mubes> Tbh, I've had it since 2006 so can't complain too much.
<mubes> Just means I've got to debt-collect from a chunk of family users.
<dannas> Re the siglent scpi driver: do you plan on adding more features to your 2000x/5000x?
<dannas> How much usage have you gotten out of it?
<mubes> Yes, digital eventually.
<dannas> When I first heard of scopehal, I was hoping for much better wfms/s transfer rates
<mubes> I use it a lot...mostly for protocol decode for SWD. The capture length is really useful.
<dannas> I guess it's more of a post-processing tool than an interactive one.
dannas: it depends on the data source
<mubes> Exactly.
with e.g. pico and lecroy gear it's more than fast enough for interactive use (tens of WFM/s)
most of the lower end hardware is slower
here's some stats on speed we've got with different memory depth and channel counts on various hardware
<dannas> @azonenberg Yup, I fully understand that it's a limitation with the scope. Too bad your youtube demos were with a fast scope and not a slow one. 🙂
Yeah well that's what i have in my lab
<mubes> There are tricks that we can play....there are facilities for reporting every nth sample for example, but that just speeds the UI, not the full dataset.
<mubes> There's a graph in the manual for the 2000x+
<dannas> @mubes swd, do you use it for reverse engineering?
Pushing low end vendors to improve their transfer rates is on our wishlist
we're working on it
<mubes> Implementing ORBTrace.
if there's demand i think it will become a priority
<mubes> Were in conversation with siglent about it.
<dannas> @mubes Oh cool! It's like a replacement for JTrace, right?
<mubes> Yes, with a 0 off the end of the price.
<dannas> I wonder how much lower-end scopes are limited by less capable application processors and how much is about just not paying attention to performance.
<mubes> Quite a lot the latter.
<dannas> If you don't pay attention, then you can easily lose 5-10x of available perf
<mubes> Historically most use for these interfaces was post processing
<mubes> Scopehal is really the first compelling app for real streaming.
<dannas> Yeah, it's not really that much data sent per second.
<dannas> thinks about what to code on next
<mubes> Well, 10Msamples....over a 100Mbit link.
<dannas> I lost a little bit of direction. Waiting for that PR to be merged once all edits has been made.
<mubes> I didn't even bother coding the 50 and 100 msample cases.
<dannas> The bandwidth of the pico in that spreadsheet really stands out @azonenberg . What are you aiming for with your own scope projects? 10x of that?
dannas: 10G and 40G ethernet
at that point i think i am going to bottleneck on cpu/gpu performanec until scopehal gets a lot faster
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even the pico can challenge glscopeclient with more complex filter graphs
<dannas> starts a savings account for the day that design is finished.
this is why i spend so much time profiling, optimizing, etc
I'm beginning initial ZENNECK R&D in 2020
the FPGA and ADC are ordered
<dannas> checks calendar
<dannas> That's this year!
Some parts are already on the way/here
i'm going to be resurrecting the old frontend prototype to do some more measurements then respinning with fixes, higher bandwidth on the filter, and different connectors
<dannas> @azonenberg I just wrote a question to the electronics subchat and realized that maybe your probe presentation will answer that. Is that presentation a good place to look?
<dannas> I was asking about how come a probe input can have either a very low impedance or a million times higher.
I talk about that a bunch in my talk, if you havent watched the video definitely do so
Generally speaking, most probes claiming super high impedance in the megohm range are at near DC
<dannas> Ok, I'll check it out.
because even tens or hundreds of femtofarads of input capacitance will drop your impedance rapidly as frequency climbs
much less pF
mandl has joined #scopehal
Good evening
<dannas> @mandl Good evening! 🙂
Hi dannas
<dannas> Did you see what we wrote above?
@Dannes Did you test our code on SDS1104x ?
<dannas> @mandl I noticed that you closed the pull request. That really wasn't my intention. Wouldn't it be possible to apply your later changes to the file mubes provided?
@Dannes somethimes i am a bit lost in github ...
<dannas> @mandl You might have done some more edits to SiglentSCPIOsciloscope.cpp after that file was created, if so please add them in as well in your PR.
@dannes never worked with
<mubes> Hi mandl....I can imagine this all gets confusing. I made edits to your file but wanted to retain the fact that is was your pr.
<mubes> Let's just get the changes back into your pr and then Andrew can push it to master. It's certainly not working worse than anything that was there before.
<mubes> @mandl you should be able to copy that file over the existing one and then commit it....I think you can push to the the existing pr to update it.
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg f9aae41 - Filter graph editor: don't stay in "dragging node" state after the second half of a double click
mubes has joined #scopehal
<mubes> @mandl Just went over to IRC to try and ping you there but don't see you. I can put your changes into a patch if this is all getting complicated for you...just let me know. I'm off to bed now.
mubes: mandl signed off at 14:00 my time, half an hour before your prevous message
i guess quit messages don't get synced over to discord
<mubes> Fair enough. I'll take a look at all this tomorrow. These patches are a bit in limbo at the moment. Night.