azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing | | Logs:
<_whitenotifier-8> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier-8> [scopehal] azonenberg a76a488 - LeCroyOscilloscope: added decoding of more option codes
<_whitenotifier-8> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier-8> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg f39f61d - Updated submodules
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<_whitenotifier-8> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±5]
<_whitenotifier-8> [scopehal] azonenberg 503efe0 - TouchstoneParser: Added support for loading files with arbitrary port counts. Fixes #496. Fixes #497.
<_whitenotifier-8> [scopehal] azonenberg closed issue #496: TouchstoneParser: support .s1p files so we can do TDR emulation with single-port measurements -
<_whitenotifier-8> [scopehal] azonenberg closed issue #497: TouchstoneParser: support arbitrarily many ports -
<azonenberg> Ok so, i'm about to start a more broad refactoring of how i handle s-parameters in libscopehal and glscopeclietn
<azonenberg> rather than mag and angle being separate channels, a single vector response will be considered a channel
<azonenberg> with sub-streams for mag and angle
<azonenberg> This will require a more fundamental refactoring of how we handle units and scaling because that will no longer be the guaranteed same for all streams in a channel
<azonenberg> So probably almost every filter and scope driver is going to require some changes lol
<azonenberg> I guess i know what i'm doing this weekend but it's for the best
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<azonenberg> ok i got about halfway through the most recent refactoring
<azonenberg> which is a prerequisite to a lot of additional fun coming down the road
<azonenberg> hoping to finish tomorrow
* GyrosGeier wonders when people will abuse it for SDR
<GyrosGeier> (and how to bring that about)
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<Degi> Is there a reason for using mag and angle instead of I and Q?
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<GyrosGeier> my expectation would be "no one can look at an I/Q graph and tell what is wrong"
<Degi> Hm, but for a display render we could still convert it, but for filters etc. isn't I/Q more useful?
<GyrosGeier> probably the best thing would be to convert depending on what the next block needs
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<azonenberg> GyrosGeier: Yeah. Mag/angle is the most display friendly representation
<azonenberg> Then i convert to real/imag if needed for specific applications
<azonenberg> GyrosGeier: i mean i've already got some SDR features already, like digital downconversion and waterfall plots and FIR filters
<azonenberg> and my scope-as-VNA project essentially uses the scope as a direct sampling receiver and digitally downconverts
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<_whitenotifier-8> [scopehal-apps] robot-army opened issue #394: Segfaults on empty golden channel for Clock Jitter (TIE) -
<Degi> Hmm, is mag/angle stored as 32 bit floats or so?
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<azonenberg> Degi: yeah
<azonenberg> well
<azonenberg> two separate fp32 channels
<azonenberg> so you can plot them individually
<azonenberg> the refactoring i'm doing allows that to be improved a bit so they're separate streams of one channel
<azonenberg> right now, sub-streams don't support different y axis units
<Degi> Nice
<Degi> I guess as long as its at least fp32 it shouldn't matter whether its amplitude / phase or I / Q
<azonenberg> Yeah. For some filters I do convert to real/imag internally
<azonenberg> but the native format optimized for display is mag/angle, and the angles are in degrees
<Degi> (Though with like 8 bit values it would be a problem since both would cover different spaces but with fp32 the points should be close enough to not matter)
<azonenberg> When i'm doing de-embedding or channel emulation i have to resample the s-parameters anyway from the frequencies in the touchstone file to those of the FFT
<azonenberg> so i can convert to a more computation friendly format then
<azonenberg> that's only done once when changing the s-params in question or when the fft length changes