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<azonenberg> Assembling MEAD pods. So far one good one, second one is being a troublemaker
<azonenberg> there's a 3.3V to ground short i've so far been unable to locate
<azonenberg> And poking around it seems several units are affected
<azonenberg> Like a LOT of them
<azonenberg> oh wait i'm being stupid
<azonenberg> i was shorting the probe against another test point
<azonenberg> So i do not have a massive number of shorts, but I do have an unexplained boot failure
<azonenberg> Hmm ok well whatever it is *is* on the 3.3V rail because i'm measuring 0.6-0.8V on it
<azonenberg> Looks like soldering issue on U8
<azonenberg> It's not making good contact
<azonenberg> And it seems like a few boards are affected
<azonenberg> Lovely
<azonenberg> Reworked the first one, solid 3.3... now to try flashing it
* GenTooMan watches the board flash bang and scatter board bits all over.
<azonenberg> lol no
<azonenberg> it took a while but i now have six of 24 boards reworked and flashed
<azonenberg> Three are in enclosures fully assembled
<azonenberg> three still need the LCD installed but i'm waiting on some plastic spacers for that arriving tomorrow
<Stephie> i got the virtualbench on my desk now, and it's using apache thrift to talk between the host software and device. Swift is a self-describing protocol to an extent, and the RPC calls are named with strings, which makes reverse engineering quite simple
<Stephie> interesting part is that it's using a TCP connection per instrument inside the virtualbench with different RPC calls, which implies it handles accessing different instruments from different software just fine
<Stephie> i might be able to knock out a driver for it in a few days if its as simple as I think
<electronic_eel> Stephie: how do you like using the virtualbench? i played with one while taking part in a training session. what i disliked is that there are no hard power switches, interlocks or similar
<electronic_eel> i accidently switched on the power and it took me quite a while in their software to switch it back off
<Stephie> electronic_eel, i havent really played around with it much yet
<Stephie> i kinda dug right into RE
<electronic_eel> :) that's the spirit
<Stephie> cause the software is windows-only so
<Stephie> VM's aren't nice to work in
<Stephie> I'm moving to germany soon, and so my idea is to take this tiny box on the plane so I can actually work on electronics until the rest of my lab gets here
<electronic_eel> their sw isn't only windows, it also isn't nice either. at least it was back a few years ago. there were multiple applications dedicated for one task each. some of these apps were good at one job, but utterly failed at some other
<electronic_eel> and since you couldn't run them in parallel, the promise of the device that you have everything combined in one box kinda falls flat
<Stephie> huh
<Stephie> they must have completely redone the software then
<electronic_eel> but maybe they have fixed that since then
<Stephie> the software i'm looking at is windows-only
<Stephie> and has everything in one window
<Stephie> it's actually quite smart software
<Stephie> just, windows and slow and eh
<electronic_eel> hmm, it could also be that for the training session i was in they brought in 3rd party apps? can your windows thing do bode plots? because that was one thing i remember that a different app was necessary
<Stephie> ahh yeah, that must have been custom software
<Stephie> i dont think the software does bode plots out the box
<electronic_eel> ok, that would explain it then. now doing bode plots, thd measurements and similar things where you combine a func gen with a scope is something the virtualbench is really well suited for
<electronic_eel> would also be nice to have that kind of features in scopehal. and then for a separate and a function gen integrated into the scope.
<Stephie> yeah
<Stephie> thats the goal, anyway
<electronic_eel> so where in Germany are you moving to?
<Stephie> berlin
<electronic_eel> ok, that's some distance from me, i'm near Stuttgart
<electronic_eel> but there is quite an international community of hw and sw developers in Berlin
<Stephie> yeah
<Stephie> also I have more friends in berlin than I do the UK
<Stephie> which is most of why i'm moving there haha
<electronic_eel> very good when you already have a few friends there. also someone to borrow a real scope from if the virtualbench doesn't cut it for something ;)
<Stephie> yeah :)
<Stephie> though hopefully my stuff will come over before too long
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<bvernoux> azonenberg, I have just tried codeql-analysis workflow on github it is very interesting
<bvernoux> it provide some good test against unsafe code ...
<bvernoux> I have tested it with very simple project
<bvernoux> It have found an insecure function ;)
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