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<bvernoux> hello
<bvernoux> after very long time I have finally populated 4 SMA connectors on 6Layers_trl-board_microstrip_v0_1_OSHPark
<bvernoux> and the results are very good
<bvernoux> It does not include report just s2p measurements with details on setup + photo of the board
<bvernoux> Test2_CalKit_SN0643_Thru_Reference.s2p is the Reference which can be used to check exact rf loss with other measurements
<bvernoux> using deembedding ...
<bvernoux> like we can see with 76mm line we have about 3dB S21 RF loss in worst case which is very good
<Degi> At which frequency is the worst loss?
<bvernoux> 6GHz
<bvernoux> it is also the limit of my HP VNA anyway
<bvernoux> anyway more the frequency is high higher is the loss
<bvernoux> it is why here it is interesting to check the OSHPark 6 layers PCB
<bvernoux> and the results are very good and can be compared to expensive RO4350B ...
<bvernoux> less than 3dB RF loss on 76mm line is very good
<bvernoux> on FR4 I think it will be not far to 6dB with same spec
<Degi> Hm, did you subtract the connector loss from that?
<bvernoux> no
<bvernoux> it is why I say it is very good performance ;)
<Degi> oh yes
<bvernoux> in fact I have the reference s2p with Thru
<bvernoux> which can be substracted
<bvernoux> to be used as reference for de-embedding and like that you have exactly the RF loss of the PCB line
<bvernoux> which shall be max 2dB
<bvernoux> we gain something like 0.8 to 1dB max in fact as the connectors are the best we can find for SMA which are very good up to 26.5GHz(on the paper)
<bvernoux> it is 8euros/connectors ;)
<bvernoux> they are very well matched by default too
<Degi> They sound pretty nice
<bvernoux> I have checked it with Impedance on S11 it is very nice and Z average near 50 Ohms
<Degi> neat
<bvernoux> you can check that with provided s2p files anyway
<bvernoux> Also here I have top performance because it is Microstrip
<Degi> The SMA mounting looks interesting
<bvernoux> I have found this interesting online tool which can use s2p file for de-embedding
<bvernoux> It also display the TDR
<bvernoux> which show that the connectors are very well matched to 50ohms and also the 76mm line is well matched to 50 Ohms too
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<bvernoux> Degi, I have done the Simulation with OSH park 6 layers specifications and RF loss shall be about 1.6dB and I obtain about 2dB so it is pretty close especially as the Simulation consider perfect materials ...
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