It does not include report just s2p measurements with details on setup + photo of the board
Test2_CalKit_SN0643_Thru_Reference.s2p is the Reference which can be used to check exact rf loss with other measurements
using deembedding ...
like we can see with 76mm line we have about 3dB S21 RF loss in worst case which is very good
At which frequency is the worst loss?
it is also the limit of my HP VNA anyway
anyway more the frequency is high higher is the loss
it is why here it is interesting to check the OSHPark 6 layers PCB
and the results are very good and can be compared to expensive RO4350B ...
less than 3dB RF loss on 76mm line is very good
on FR4 I think it will be not far to 6dB with same spec
Hm, did you subtract the connector loss from that?
it is why I say it is very good performance ;)
oh yes
in fact I have the reference s2p with Thru
which can be substracted
to be used as reference for de-embedding and like that you have exactly the RF loss of the PCB line
which shall be max 2dB
we gain something like 0.8 to 1dB max in fact as the connectors are the best we can find for SMA which are very good up to 26.5GHz(on the paper)
it is 8euros/connectors ;)
they are very well matched by default too
They sound pretty nice
I have checked it with Impedance on S11 it is very nice and Z average near 50 Ohms
you can check that with provided s2p files anyway
Also here I have top performance because it is Microstrip
The SMA mounting looks interesting
I have found this interesting online tool which can use s2p file for de-embedding
which show that the connectors are very well matched to 50ohms and also the 76mm line is well matched to 50 Ohms too
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Degi, I have done the Simulation with OSH park 6 layers specifications and RF loss shall be about 1.6dB and I obtain about 2dB so it is pretty close especially as the Simulation consider perfect materials ...
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