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<azonenberg> AKL-AD3 v0.2 flex pcb came in
<azonenberg> havent even assembled it and i've found a bug :p
<azonenberg> thankfully a minor one: the silkscreen still says v0.1
<GenTooMan> azonenberg, that's a mostly harmless bug
<azonenberg> Yeah compared to a lot of my previous bugs it's not bad lol
<azonenberg> Going to assemble "soonish" with exact timetable depending on how long it takes me to get the MEAD pods cleared out
<azonenberg> as those are currently in the way
<GenTooMan> well the last flex PCB I remember that I had anything to do with had a bug on it but it had 6 legs... it was "what they heck", somehow they got an ant stuck to it!
<azonenberg> lol
<azonenberg> ok that's special
<azonenberg> anyway yeah, there are MEAD pods all over my bench
<azonenberg> I have four more MMCX boards to build but somehow didn't have enough connectors, so i'm waiting for a digikey shipment
<azonenberg> twelve of the 24 front panels have LCDs installed and waiting for epoxy to dry
<azonenberg> it's stinky so i do it in the fume hood and i didn't have hood capacity to do all 24 at once
<azonenberg> then i have to solder backlight wires from the main board to the display panel, insert the panel ribbon cable, and screw the board and front panel to the enclosure
<azonenberg> i guess i could attach the backlight wires on one end now, but i cant do the other end until the front panels are done
<azonenberg> the epoxy takes 24h to cure so it'll be another 9-10 hours before i can move them
<azonenberg> then i can do the second batch
<azonenberg> And it looks like the MMCXes won't be here till friday
<GenTooMan> sounds like you will be busy.
<GenTooMan> intermittently sprinkled between real life :D
<azonenberg> lol
<azonenberg> Yep, i have to be at the lab for $dayjob in person the rest of the week
<azonenberg> now that i've basically taken over lab operations, i have to do all of the infrastructure work
<azonenberg> like sorting through a giant pile of dongles, dev boards, and programming adapters and figuring out waht we need to keep and what we can get rid of
<azonenberg> But i'm trying to get as many of my pending in-progress projects complete as possible before the fork(2) comes
<Degi> What is that?
<azonenberg> Child process :p
<azonenberg> Aka my soon to be kid
<d1b2> <SleepyOwl Joyce> congratulations?
<GenTooMan> azonenberg, as an old man once said "there is never a good time to have children"
<GenTooMan> so you and the family will be a trite busy. I've the opposite problem parents are getting old enough things are getting complicated.
<Degi> congrats
<azonenberg> I thought i had mentioned here already lol
<Degi> I mean I don't read 100 % of the chat xD
<azonenberg> Fair enough
<azonenberg> anyway yeah wife is due mid to late august
<azonenberg> So i expect to be pretty busy when that happens
<azonenberg> And i'm busy in the meantime because i'm trying to leave $dayjob's lab in a decent state before disappearing for a while lol
<azonenberg> So between setting up all the baby stuff and going into the lab a lot for that, on top of normal work, i've been... staying busy
<azonenberg> But i also want to clear out some of my backlog of projects while i still have *some* free time :p
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