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<d1b2> <theorbtwo> That does sound fun. I just hope it doesn't become a block chain...
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<azonenberg> theorbtwo: lol. people will find ways to throw a blockchain at everything
<sorear> I have a very poor understanding of what does and doesn't count as traceability
<sorear> if a device is producing physical units that are _at all meaningful_ it must have been calibrated, at least at a type or component level
<azonenberg> sorear: The most commonly used definition is that a lab with an ISO 17025 certificate measured that specific device against a standard that was itself calibrated by another 17025 accredited lab, eventually chaining up to either physical constants or a national standards lab
<sorear> which makes me wonder if they're upselling you on a more precise / individual / system-level calibration, or if they're upselling you on a piece of paper that describes the QA process that they use always
<azonenberg> It's mostly the extra recordkeeping
<azonenberg> as an example, with Micro Precision, the lab that I usually use
<azonenberg> a standard "traceable calibration" is just a piece of paper that says "yep, we checked, it's in tolerance" and listing the standards they checked it against
<azonenberg> a "traceable calibration with data" costs more, and is the exact same process
<azonenberg> except they also write down the measurements they took on the certificate
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<azonenberg> so e.g. you know that when given 1.00000 volts, your multimeter measured 1.00001 volts rather than "some unknown value within the datasheet tolerance band of the instrument"
<azonenberg> and then if you want them to fill out all of the compliance paperwork needed for you to use that instrument as a standard for calibrating other stuff (assuming your lab has a 17025 accreditation too) it costs even more
<sorear> mm
<sorear> kind of interested to see what a "to physical constants" cert looks like and how much detail they have to give on the design and operation of the test
<azonenberg> Good question. I don't have an answer as none of my stuff has ever been cal'd that way
<azonenberg> in my case everything has been against another, more accurate instrument
<sorear> i take it these aren't like TLS certificates and you don't get a copy of the full chain
<azonenberg> No. They're pieces of paper or PDFs that just list specific gear used to cal your stuff
<azonenberg> whoops wrong link sec
<azonenberg> I believe you generally have a right to go to the accrediting lab and ask for a copy of their documentation for the standard used on your equipment
<azonenberg> so you could hypothetically *get* the full chain
<azonenberg> but it's not normally provided by default
<azonenberg> This is why they list serial numbers and such on the cert, though
<azonenberg> So if there is any question, you can get the data
<azonenberg> alternatively, if it's discovered that a standard malfunctioned since the last cal, you can go back and re-audit anything cal'd against it
<azonenberg> since the lab keeps records of which customer devices they calibrated using which standard
<sorear> does the cert go into any detail about how they controlled for parasitics between the standard and the DUT?
<azonenberg> No, see the example screenshot. Generally the cert is only going to list a cal procedure by reference
<azonenberg> the procedure will then describe details about which signals you apply to which inputs, using what fixture, etc
<azonenberg> and what the tolerance bands for each measurement are
<azonenberg> oh, another thing that higher grade cal certificates include is expanded error bands
<azonenberg> i.e. rather than just reporting a single data point, they include the tolerance band of the cal standard all the way up the chain
<azonenberg> So say you apply a 1 GHz tone to a DUT, but your signal generator has a specified accuracy of +/- 0.1% in frequency
<azonenberg> So the DUT was actually calibrated with a tone somewhere between 0.999 GHz and 1.001 GHz
<azonenberg> in reality it's more complicated because the signal generator itself has been calibrated by equipment with its own error bounds, etc
<azonenberg> Ultimately what you end up doing is starting from physical constants at NIST and gradually increasing error bars each hop down the chain
<azonenberg> There is also going to be offsets, because your equipment won't be perfectly adjusted
<azonenberg> say your signal generator was measured during cal to have a -0.005% frequency offset from nominal
<azonenberg> so now your DUT was calibrated with 0.99995 GHz +/- 1 MHz, etc
<azonenberg> And none of these error bands are absolute either, as they are actually probability distributions due to noise etc
<azonenberg> normally certs will report a 95% confidence interval or something
<sorear> i've read some of the literature on measurement processes of the sort that NIST does but that doesn't really translate into the ISO doc requirements
<azonenberg> i.e. the lab is 95% confident that the actual output of your generator when set to 1.000 GHz is somewhere between 0.99995 and 1.00005 GHz
<sorear> can wind up being a web if you need to measure multiple things to calibrate a measurement, or if you're using physical constants that don't have a defined value and need to get a value of them from somewhere...
<azonenberg> Correct
<azonenberg> But normally you use a single standard for a particular metric
<azonenberg> so say you use the timebase of a signal generator as a reference for frequency, but an rf power meter as a reference for power
<azonenberg> then when calibrating a specan the X and Y axes will have different error bounds tracing to difference pieces of gear
<azonenberg> which is why cal certs normally specify what a device was used for in the procedure
<sorear> but both of those need to be derated for ambient temperature, so now in principle you need a traceable measurement of the lab temperature
<azonenberg> That's why the certificate includes the temperature on it
<azonenberg> but i think it's normally just a pass/fail check, in that the standard is known to be within some tolerance band at 25 +/- 5C
<azonenberg> and they don't extrapolate within that range
<azonenberg> although at higher levels of the chain like at NIST they might well do that
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<someone--else> I wonder how far up the chain are Josephson junctions.. NIST certainly, but perhaps some other labs too
<sorear> you can just buy josephson voltage standards
<someone--else> yes, but they are rather uncheap..
<azonenberg> well a josephson junction still needs calibration for frequency iirc, right?
<azonenberg> doesn't it turn a frequency into a voltage?
<azonenberg> So in order to get exactly 1V out you have to put in exactly X Hz
<azonenberg> also it looks like nist sells josephson standards
<azonenberg> so presumably there is a demand at major cal labs for them
<sorear> supracon too
<d1b2> <j4cbo> high-precision time is generally available though
<d1b2> <j4cbo> only two kinds of device contain a subcomponent called a “physics package”, and only one of them can be bought on eBay 😛
<sorear> i am inclined to suspect that an uncalibrated COTS cesium clock has better fractional uncertainty than most voltmeters
<azonenberg> j4cbo: lol
<azonenberg> sorear: well i know some hardcore voltnuts who have 3458A's at home as well as their own in house voltage standards
<azonenberg> One of them actually had his home volt standard calibrated directly to NIST
<azonenberg> and is already making plans for a home josephson standard
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<sorear> to be clearer, I think the best voltage standards *that exist* have a fractional uncertainty around 1e-8 due to leakage paths etc, while that new SMD cesium clock was 1e-11 and the commercial tubes are somewhat better