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<azonenberg> miek: so i'm starting to think more about the power rail probe
<azonenberg> I think a good starting point would probably be to build something pretty much copying that circuitcellar design with a few small tweaks (like a DAC to set the offset voltage instead of a pot)
<azonenberg> and then characterize it fully
<azonenberg> Since it's the only published design for a power rail probe we know about
<azonenberg> And it's hard to improve on something until you know what you're building on top of
<d1b2> <Saggs> Thats a cool article
<d1b2> <Saggs> Interestingly, Teledyne LeCroy's power rail probe adds an auto zero switch at the input, which Tek's does not have
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<azonenberg> Yes, I have an RP4030
<azonenberg> I will definitely be adding an auto zero switch to mine
<azonenberg> My point was more, i dont want to be changing much in the way of the core signal path until i've characterized that design to see where it falls short
<azonenberg> I would like to improve flatness if possible
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