Siglent looks to have just launched an 8.5 GHz VNA that looks quite nice, has some pretty advanced features like time domain eye simulation
<SleepyOwl Joyce> Oooh !
any pricing?
<SleepyOwl Joyce> 14.5k EUR from the site I am looking at
Figured it might be of interest to folks here. I personally would not get it because it's not enough of a step up from my current 6 GHz VNA to be worth the investment
If i upgrade it's going to have to be to something >10 GHz BW
azonenberg: seen the latest signal path yet? :)
But so far those are way outside my budget
miek: yeah i did, i saw he was using my probe
I need to get him some AKL-PT2s and pogo tips for his PT1
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[scopehal-apps] Serzl forked the repository - https://git.io/J46Oq
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Ok so tonight after work I'm gonna see about assembling a bunch of the MEAD pods and getting them all programmed and ready to go
I want to get that off my plate so i can start gearing up for MAXWELL
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