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I should test gsscopehal on something small like a PI or BBB maybe hmm.
GenTooMan: i expect libscopehal to work if you've fixed the x86-isms with ifdefs
however glscopeclient will not work without an alternate rendering path that doesn't require opengl 4.3
Developing a software renderer for waveforms as a fallback that then uses GL3.x to composite would be nice
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BB supports EGL and has hardware accel however the company that designed the GPU on it politely put aren't "interested" in anything but proprietary support.
I still have a desire to make it run on my TalosII
also, to check if the NX unit does anything useful
gzip compression and decompression might be helpful
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I really like how scopehal mostly unifies scopes and makes you not depend on the shitty options the scope has (looking at you rigol, with many things only applying to the 1000 points shown on the screen)
Someday a scopehal server would be nice, where you can have the scope and server at one location and the client at another (I guess the client could be implemented with like a mock oscilloscope which then communicates with the server?) to reduce latency issues
(I guess you could just use VNC lol)
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Degi: i think there is already a ticket for that
It's something i want to do
that's how libjtaghal works too, it accesses e.g. ftdi dongles locally but also has a jtagd that bridges stuff out to sockets
in that case using protobufs as the transport layer iirc
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[scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg f406e27 - OscilloscopeWindow: better handling of files with invalid X scale values in groups, or no connection information for scope
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[scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg dcc6550 - ProtocolAnalyzerWindow: allow data[x] to be used in expressions. Fixes #337.
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg closed issue #337: Protocol analyzer: allow filtering based on the data column -