azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing | | Logs:
<_whitenotifier-a> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier-a> [scopehal] azonenberg cdab664 - OneWireDecoder: fixed incorrect handling of input time scale
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<GyrosGeier> shiny
<GyrosGeier> Intel released AVX512-FP16
<GyrosGeier> so now we have "half32" as data type
* GenTooMan wonders which half of 32 they give you. :D
<bvernoux> GyrosGeier, will be interesting to check what is available on AMD Ryzen side as Intel is clearly a dead end in performance/price since Ryzen 5xxxx
<GyrosGeier> yes, I suspect that was the work of the people they got from ATI
<GyrosGeier> and there is no one to buy for Intel with that same experience
<GenTooMan> azonenberg, BBB supports ES2 which is OpenGL 3.0 the PowerVR people are very tight about drivers for their hardware so no Open source.
<GenTooMan> ATI has always been a quirky company. Likely the only reason they are still around is 3dfx self destructed thus leaving Nvidia and ATI to pick up the pieces.
<GyrosGeier> ATI had bought Tseng Labs
<GyrosGeier> so they got the people who invented GDDR
<GyrosGeier> they have lots of focus on optimizing logic designs
<GyrosGeier> while nV and Xilinx have a focus on optimizing processes
<GyrosGeier> ATI back then were the only people who built power-efficient GPUs
<GyrosGeier> we looked at embedded GPUs, and nV wanted to sell us something that ate 10W while idle, while ATI's solution was at 13mW
<Degi> lol
<GyrosGeier> nV at the time had zero innovation on the digital side
<GyrosGeier> they just implemented the GL state machine in hardware, and optimized the layout so they could run it at high clock rates
<GenTooMan> they kind of were forced to by ATI especially with all ATI's design wins on BIG customers.
<GyrosGeier> and then they started adding proprietary extensions
<GyrosGeier> so a bunch of games only had good water effects on nV
<GenTooMan> that seems like a long time ago.
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<bvernoux> azonenberg, It seems latest glscopeclient have a big regression
<bvernoux> azonenberg, could you try to load spi example with it and scroll ? when I scroll the opengl display with all signal totally disappear ...
<bvernoux> azonenberg, also the build\dist\windows_x64 does not include libffts.dll
<bvernoux> also the crash when loading 64b66b.scopesession is here again ...
<bvernoux> it is always related to EyeWaveform ...
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<someone--else> bvernoux: libffts.dll was moved out of build\dist\windows_x64 since it's now installed system-wide for mingw64 builds
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<bvernoux> yes but the is broken
<bvernoux> as it is not portable ...
<bvernoux> I clearly do not understand why all that work on mingw64 install as no anyone will ever use it ...
<bvernoux> people want portable install without any external dependencies ...
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<someone--else> well it should be included in
<someone--else> let me check
<bvernoux> it is not
<bvernoux> as the seems to be just an archive of windows_x64 ...
<someone--else> wait, yes
<someone--else> is should also be in build_msi/dist/windows_x64
<someone--else> and it was a few builds ago
<bvernoux> it is not present
<bvernoux> Does anyone have already tested it in fact ?
<bvernoux> it seems no anyone have launched it as it miss the dll ...
<someone--else> wait, where did you download the
<someone--else> one from here: does contain libffts.dll
<bvernoux> I have build it
<bvernoux> from scratch
<bvernoux> so it seems the build is different on my computer strange ...
<bvernoux> only this dll is missing in fact
<bvernoux> if i copy it manually all work fine
<azonenberg> bvernoux: I'm troubleshooting an issue around loading. I fixed a crash and it seems to have broken something else in the process
<bvernoux> ha ok
<azonenberg> the temporary workaround is to open the history view and click any waveform then back to the one you want
<bvernoux> yes then it works I confirm
<azonenberg> and it should render fine after that
<bvernoux> the good point is you reproduce the issue
<azonenberg> but both were legitimate bug fixes
<azonenberg> So something else is broken that these fixes uncovered
<azonenberg> I'll investigate later, i'm on my way to work running on about 45 minutes of sleep right now
<azonenberg> Was out on a search and rescue incident all night but have to go into the office to finish tidying it up for the official re-opening next week
<azonenberg> also as far as msi vs portable, i think you're the outlier
<azonenberg> most windows folks want to just get an installer
<someone--else> bvernoux: I think missing libffts.dll might be cause by not running make install after building ffts if you built it yourself and not installed via package manager
<bvernoux> ha ok
<someone--else> since installer generation script now looks for it in /mingw64/bin instead of where it was earlier before moving to distro packaged version
<bvernoux> ok thanks for the details so it is an issue on my side ;)
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