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<johnjaye> hmm. when I do show_doc on Array in the irb prompt and it shows all those methods like any? or count, are those mixins from Enumerable?
<johnjaye> I ask because Array.methods - Enumerable.methods is... not a big list. so Array seems like a thin wrapper around Enumerables
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<adam12> johnjaye: Yes, you've got it correct.
<johnjaye> ok
<johnjaye> the truth is revealed
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<leftylink> but Array.methods tells you the methods of Array, not of an array like []. So what does `Array.methods - Enumerable.methods` really tell you? I don't think it tells you anything at all
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<leftylink> wouldn't it make much more sense to group each of `[].methods` by Method#owner ?
<leftylink> you would need to turn each of the symbols (returned by #methods) into Method, but I omit obvious details
<leftylink> an example of what I mean
<leftylink> pandabot: rb class C; def foo; end end; [C.methods.include?(:foo), C.new.methods.include?(:foo)]
<pandabot> [false, true] - https://carc.in/#/r/fvtf
<leftylink> since C.methods.include?(:foo) is false, Array.methods tells you nothing.
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<johnjaye> ah ok
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<havenwood> johnjaye: For what it's worth, you can `Array.instance_methods(false)` or `[].public_methods(false)` to see the methods defined on Array.
<havenwood> johnjaye: If you want to know where a method is defined, you can ask it about its owner. (E.g., with `chunk` you could `[].method(:chunk).owner`.)
<havenwood> johnjaye: In irb take a look at `ls []` or `ls Array`.
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<toonlink> i'm attempting to make a "custom variable assignment operator" via essentially using method_missing (i am aware it is the devil) to make undefined variable names return an object that then takes a <=> method that handles assignment. is there any way to do this that'd ensure any typos i make inside of an instance_eval actually raise errors instead of just creating a new "custom operator" object?
<johnjaye> hmm. if i do ls [] then it shows some methods marked Array and others marked Enumerable
<johnjaye> The thing is, any? is clearly an Enumerable thing but it's listed under array
<weaksauce> johnjaye any? is defined on array too
<weaksauce> so that might be why
<johnjaye> i don't follow
<weaksauce> as in they wrote extra code to define any? for array handling instead of the generic enumerable code
<johnjaye> my thought was Enumerable defines any? as an abstract thing. which array then implements
<johnjaye> hmm. wait so Enumerable defines any? as an actual function
<weaksauce> yeah a generic method
<johnjaye> and then Array overrode it?
<weaksauce> look at the code
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<johnjaye> it's the same thing
<johnjaye> return true if at least one element satisfies the block
<weaksauce> no the actual code
<weaksauce> it's both C code
<weaksauce> click on the </>
<johnjaye> the generic Enumerable takes a pattern and the array one doesn't?
<johnjaye> oh i had no idea that button did that
<johnjaye> i was confused what you were talking about.
<weaksauce> the array code also test against objects
<johnjaye> yeah it takes an object whereas the enumerable one takes a pattern
<johnjaye> meaning if i give an regexp pattern to an array.any? call it won't do what I expect?
<weaksauce> i am not sure but it seems as though they created an optimized version of array#any?