havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.2.2, 3.1.4, 3.3.0-preview2: https://www.ruby-lang.org | Rules: https://ruby-community.com | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<adam12> good day
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<ox1eef__> Howdy adam12
<adam12> ox1eef__: how goes it
<ox1eef__> Good :) Friday after all.
<ox1eef__> And you?
<leftylink> remember that member of #ruby who would, every friday, post an ascii art of big letters FRIDAY ?
<leftylink> miss that member
<adam12> ox1eef__: Indeed! It's turned out to be a great Friday.
<adam12> leftylink: I don't recall. Was it Ryan (Radar) maybe?
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<leftylink> hmm, I can no longer find evidence that this actually happened in #ruby, so either my logs are insufficient or I've misremembered. I apologise for the confusion
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<Momentum> Hi! i just realized i'm not in #ruby :)
<Momentum> so if i have a third-party gem i want to use in a rails app where do i configure it? any good spot? the configuration is something like an API key
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<adam12> Momentum: Welcome.
<Momentum> nice to see you adam12
<adam12> Momentum: Couple options. Some people might use an initializer. Or you could add it to an environment file.
<Momentum> sounds good
<Momentum> adam12: on its own file as an initializer?
<Momentum> i'm just worried i would name the file the same as the gem name and bad things happen
<Momentum> although probably unlikely
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<newton> Momentum, yes, in config/initializers. nothing wrong with it having the same name
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<adam12> Momentum: As mentioned, same name is fine. `config/initializers` is not in `$LOAD_PATH` so no chance of conflict.
<Momentum> great! thank you newton and adam12
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