havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.2.2, 3.1.4, 3.3.0-preview2: https://www.ruby-lang.org | Rules: https://ruby-community.com | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<johnjaye> that's what gnu info documents do...
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<jmcantrell> is there a way to programmatically get the version number used in a path like /prefix/to/ruby/lib/ruby/3.2.0?
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<sam113101> jmcantrell: you can do anything programmatically
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<jmcantrell> how would it be done?
<jmcantrell> the best i could do is `(RUBY_VERSION.split('.')[0, 2]+['0']).join('.')` but i'm wondering if there is a better way
<sam113101> hold on, not sure I understood your original question
<sam113101> you want to extract a version from a path, or you want to output the current ruby version?
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<leftylink> pandabot rb Gem.path
<pandabot> ["/home/ruby/.local/share/gem/ruby/3.0.0", "/usr/lib/ruby/gems/3.0.0"] - https://carc.in/#/r/fw4m
<leftylink> I wodner if that can be of any help here
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<jmcantrell> i realize i'm xy-ing myself here, but what i'm really trying to do is get the bin path that bundle uses for gems. i've configured it with `bundle config path ./vendor/bundle --local
<jmcantrell> and bundle installs them to ./vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0, so i started off trying to construct this path, but maybe there's a way to get this directly from bundle?
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<ox1eef_> That's interesting, I did the same a few days ago. 1second.
<ox1eef_> yardoc = Find.find(gems_dir).grep(%r[bin/yardoc]).first
<ox1eef_> md_lib = Find.find(gems_dir).grep(%r[redcarpet-.*/lib$]).first
<ox1eef_> Where 'gems_dir' could be '.vendor'.
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<leah2> anyone know a clever library to operate on bitstreams? essentially i need to append sequences of bits, and read segments of bits
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<leah2> but it's not byte aligned
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* leah2 does "big data" with ruby
* leah2 loads a 300mb json file -.-
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<OverCoder> hello
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<OverCoder> This Gemfile is auto-generated by "Canvas" (software built with Ruby), yet when Passenger tries to start stuff, it says there are syntax errors
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<OverCoder> lines 48, 85, and 99
<OverCoder> are there actual syntax errors in this file? or is something crazy going on?
<OverCoder> btw installed ruby version is 3.1.4
<leftylink> -c Causes Ruby to check the syntax of the script and exit without executing
<leftylink> from the manual page
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<leftylink> wouldn't that be useful to check whether there are syntax errors?
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<leftylink> then it would not be necessary to accept the unreliable answers of random internet strangers and instead only accept the true answers from Ruby itself
<leftylink> straight from the horse's mouth, as I'm told the English saying is
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<leftylink> since we are discussing Ruby 3.1.4, one could also look at https://rubyreferences.github.io/rubychanges//3.1.html. searching for the word "syntax" is pretty reliable at finding hanges that affet syntax
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