havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.2.2, 3.1.4, 3.3.0-preview2: https://www.ruby-lang.org | Rules: https://ruby-community.com | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<adam12> plujon: --deployment doesn't exclude groups as you found it. It's more specifically for ensuring that the dependencies you install are what you expect (so it treats the lock file as immutable). Sounds like you got it sorted.
<plujon> adam12: Thanks. Kinda.
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<plujon> I have never gotten "bundler and gems". I've spent the last 8 hours trying to get ruby, bundler, and passenger to work on a new Linux system. Am I the only person in the world who doesn't use Heroku for ruby code..?
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<plujon> (the "Kinda" above was not meant to be, "Thanks, kinda", it was meant to be, "Thanks, I kinda got it sorted..."
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<myappie> wusup
<myappie> and man im super glad i just found out about `bundle config set --local path 'vendor/bundle'`
<myappie> no more stupid gem/bundler paths!
<myappie> other than ofcourse `bundle config build.nokogiri --use-system-libraries` lol
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<myappie> nokogiri is like god mode. its enough to put ableton out of business.
<myappie> you can just make your ableton livesets with ruby CLI and nokogiri. ableton live is obsolete now, very strange.
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<Mindiell> I have a problem when I try to install ruby 3.0.4 via rbenv : rbenv install 3.0.4 / All seems ok until it tells me an error abous SSL. It says to install libssl-dev but I've done it already.
<Mindiell> Any idea is welcome :o)
<Mindiell> Trying to install ruby 2.7.6 now
<Mindiell> Plus, why isn't there more recent (or more) versions of ruby installable through rbenv ?
<Mindiell> ruby 2.7.6 failed wth a make error : Error 1 /o/
<Mindiell> Trying to install ruby 3.0.3 to see
<Mindiell> Hmm, same error as with 3.0.4 : The Ruby openssl extension was not compiled.
<Mindiell> I read on the internet that ruby (or ruby-build) doesn't support SSL3, but I'm not sure, and I don't know how to help on this :/
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<ox1eef__> Mindiell: You could build Ruby yourself, and then have rbenv manage it instead. It should be easier to configure the build that way. Btw those Ruby versions you want to install are kinda old by now. They might not build or be diffilcult to build.
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<Mindiell> ox1eef__: sure, but I found a jekyll website needing an old version of ruby, because of some dependencies
<Mindiell> plus I don't understand why rbenv list them if I can't compile them
<Mindiell> trying to install it after renamed the old Gemfile.lock to see if it runs on modern versions
<Mindiell> seems to work
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<clemens3> rbenv just has a bug and they never tested to build old versions in recent rbenv versions
<clemens3> ruby also just doesn't care if old software breaks with never versions
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<clemens3> at least that's kinda my feeling, don't know the official policy in this regard
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<ox1eef__> I prefer nanoc :) AFAIK jekyll is actively developed, it should be up to update with new rubies. There can be other reasons a ruby version might be pinned in a Gemfile.lock.
<Mindiell> it's not the ruby version, but the bundler (1.17.3) which uses an old nikigiro version which is unable to work after ruby 3.1.dev or something like that
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<ox1eef__> Ah I see. Nokogiri bundles libxml by default, and at least one of them has a security bug. So it would be good to upgrade nokogiri anyway. I set NOKOGIRI_USE_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES=1 in my shell to avoid rubygems handle libxml.
<ox1eef__> leah2: Nice work on portable cwm btw.
<leah2> thx
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