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<pablo_escoberg> I kind of disagree with you guys here.  I definitely get where you're coming from because the current state of client side code is... well, a dumpster fire on a train wreck to be generous.  That said, as a design principle, what I'm trying to accomplish is lisp-in-json-form over the wire, with clients interpreting said data as they please.  I'm
<pablo_escoberg> also implementing a browser client, but the aim is to make the backend client agnostic, and let the client decide how much of the validation, etc. to do on its own.
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<abu[7]> Why should the client do it? All relevant info resides on the server, and should be safely handled there.
<abu[7]> I regard the client as a terminal, not more.
<abu[7]> What do you mean with "backend client"?
<pablo_escoberg> Not "backend client" but the backend is client agnostic.  Sorry for the confusing sentence structure.
<pablo_escoberg> Interesting difference in philosophy.  I generally think of the client as an endpoint, which I want smart.  The network should be stupid and just pass packets.
<pablo_escoberg> But the user should have some control over how the data is presented, which means smarts on the client.
<pablo_escoberg> That said, the client should be able to be a terminal.  If it wants to be more, it should be able to be is my point.
<abu[7]> The network is stupid. But the server supplies application logic, also if client-side, as it must send the code to the client.
<abu[7]> For pure, agnostic data, the server provides reports
<pablo_escoberg> ok, I guess not such different approaches.  I'm going with the server being the holder of state.  The client requests either state transfers or state changes from the server, and the server responds appropriately.  The client can be a simple command line thing (in fact, I'm designing so a skilled user can make this thing work with curl and a
<pablo_escoberg> good pretty prrinter) or it can have bells and whistles and animations, etc.  The one I'm focusing on right now is html/js and pretty simple.  Though, TBH, after this conversation, I'm wondering if I shouldn't make a simple command line client first, just as a POC.
<abu[7]> Yes, you can always provide also a "reduced" GUI
<abu[7]> this can exist in addition to an interactive gui
<abu[7]> In my view, the wiki at picolisp.gui has three GUITS
<pablo_escoberg> Exactly.  So I'm keeping the server and the client as encapsulated as possible.  BTW, I'm much further along if you want to have another look.
<abu[7]> yes, ok
<pablo_escoberg> I got GPT to do the css for me, which actually worked great.  Finally found a good use for the thing :).
<abu[7]> Good idea, never tried it for CSS
<pablo_escoberg> surprisingly good.  Thought when I got to the logo, it crapped out big time.
<pablo_escoberg> Tried it for picolisp and it was a complete disaster.  Not sure about JS yet...
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<skyjuice> Good day all
<abu[7]> Cheers skyjuice
<skyjuice> I see you've been busy abu et al, the new 'search' function looks neat
<abu[7]> Thanks :)
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<skyjuice> As adm.l comes with its own +User class, how should I approach building my own custom +User
<skyjuice> and its relations.
<skyjuice> e.g If my +User model requires:
<skyjuice> (rel likes...), (rel follows..) in addition to the
<skyjuice> preexisting relations in adm.l. How would I add them?
<beneroth> hi skyjuice
<skyjuice> hey beneroth
<beneroth> you could add them to the existing one, or make a new entity which inherits from the existing one.. e.g. (class +AppUser +User)
<skyjuice> perfect thanks
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<skyjuice> I take it, modifying relations of the existing adm.l +User, is a case of patching the adm.l file directly?
<beneroth> yes
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<skyjuice> thx
<abu[7]> I used adm.l in all applications, but do (extend +User) sometimes
<abu[7]> So no need to modify adm.l
<abu[7]> Good night :)
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<skyjuice> very useful, thx, (put *Class 'tel NIL) answered my follow-up question re: removing unwanted relations
<skyjuice> Good night
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