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<beneroth> abu[7], calling 'ht:Pack with a list containing a list results in an infinite busy loop
<beneroth> e.g.: (ht:Pack '(("f" "o" "o")))
<beneroth> behavior is consistent in pil21 and pil64
<beneroth> arguably a user mistake
<abu[7]> Hi beneroth, thanks, I was not aware of this
<abu[7]> Well, yes, it assumes simply a 'chop'ped string
<beneroth> yeah, reasonable
<abu[7]> 'pack' behaves a lot more nicely
<beneroth> aye
<beneroth> maybe a check would be reasonable. then again it costs. then again it's in the implementation language so maybe acceptable.
<beneroth> dunno. just FYI
<beneroth> doesn't look like many people stumbled upon it yet, so probably no problem :)
<abu[7]> Right, a check would be better
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<abu[7]> Now I released 23.10.23 with the new 'search' function. Documentation in @doc/search.html or
<beneroth> awesome =D
<beneroth> thank you
<abu[7]> I'll rewrite the wiki
<abu[7]> and one of the next days announce in the mailing list
<abu[7]> demoApp, family DB, OSM demo are already ported to 'search'
<beneroth> hmm.. the first argument when building a query, is always taken as quoted?
<abu[7]> No, all args are evaluated
<beneroth> (search (2 . 6) '((nr +Item)))
<beneroth> not always?
<abu[7]> (2 . 6) evaluates to (2 . 6) ;)
<beneroth> ah because it starts with number. of course.
<abu[7]> yeah :)
* beneroth hides in box of shame
<beneroth> ;-)
<abu[7]> hihi
<beneroth> good!
<beneroth> because building such queries dynamically is definitely a need
<abu[7]> I wonder if I should ask ChatGPT to clean up the doc file
<abu[7]> right
<beneroth> ChatGPT pretty good in hallucinating picolisp code. but it rarely dreams up something useful.
<abu[7]> Just fix my English, and perhaps rephrase to make it more understandable
<beneroth> you can try. but I think this will give at best some hints to structure it differently.
<abu[7]> Can it handle HTML files directly?
<abu[7]> I'll try later
<beneroth> I don't know, I don't use it. But I would think it can handle HTML, as it even can handle pictures.
<abu[7]> Yeah
<abu[7]> I'm out now, will try later
<beneroth> webp, so better patch the browser first xD
<abu[7]> oh
<beneroth> (yeah google didn't manage to implement their own format correctly)
<beneroth> (remote code execution)
<beneroth> still pretty impressive
<abu[7]> indeed
<abu[7]> Several levels of meaning
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<beneroth> T
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