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<abu[7]> pablo_escoberg: You have calls like (get This 'x) in various places. Note that this is just (: x)
<abu[7]> Also: The reason that 'apply' can't be used with 'rel' is that 'rel' is a FEXPR. 'apply' (and related functions) can be used only with functions evaluating all arguments.
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<pablo_escoberg> Thanks, abu[7].  I will change the `get` thing, and ditch that comment.  Did you get a sense of what it does and how it works?
<abu[7]> Not really. I still don't see why you need the %redefined 'rel'
<abu[7]> btw, I would put 'rel' in (local)
<abu[7]> and define it the "normal" way
<abu[7]> The pil 'rel' is a single expression, you can waite it explicitly into your version
<abu[7]> 'redef' is not very useful here I think
<pablo_escoberg> well, I think redef is cleaner, but the reason I need it is twofold:  First, to save the permissions (always the last argument to `rel`) and the other is to collect the relations in the order they are defined
<abu[7]> e.g. (vi 'rel) will not work
<abu[7]> ok, but the "last" arg is a bit un-pil-lispy
<pablo_escoberg> Hmmm....  I will think about that.  redef seems cleaner, but maybe it isn't
<abu[7]> you have ... (+String) NIL)
<pablo_escoberg> Yes, no permissions.  users can't read or write.
<abu[7]> I expect here that NIL can be omitted
<abu[7]> usually a last NIL can be omitted
<pablo_escoberg> Nope, otherwise (+String)  is the last argument and will cause an error
<abu[7]> yes, that's what I mean
<pablo_escoberg> usually `last` doesn't have special privelege
<abu[7]> I wouuld put the permissiogs first
<pablo_escoberg> oooohhhh....  that makes sense.
<pablo_escoberg> I kind of like giving `last` privilege, but maybe it's not a great idea.
<abu[7]> another minor thing: (put *Class 'rels (append (get *Class 'rels) (list (car Lst))))
<abu[7]> can be
<abu[7]> (queue (prop *Class 'rels) (car Lst))
<abu[7]> Though perhaps 'push' is more lispy
<abu[7]> (pust (prop *Class 'rels) (car Lst))
<abu[7]> less overhead ;)
<pablo_escoberg> ISTR trying that and having some kind of issue
<abu[7]> Just some ideas ...
<pablo_escoberg> much appreciated
<pablo_escoberg> I will definitely read up on `queue` as I didn't know it existed
<abu[7]> Let's continue some other day, I'm sitting here with friends :)
<pablo_escoberg> ok, great.
<abu[7]> ☺
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