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<abu[7]> Grrr! Google threatens to remove the PentiKeyboard app from PlaysStore
<abu[7]> I contacted support several times1 but they just repeat saying "Installation issue" :(
<abu[7]> I HATE google!!!
<tankf33der> :(
<pablo_escoberg> Yeah, google is evil :(
<pablo_escoberg> I just belatedly updated .  Please have a look and lmk if any changes are needed.
<abu[7]> pablo_escoberg, looks very good!
<abu[7]> Just "whereas search returns a list of objects" is not completey correct
<abu[7]> It returns - depending on the arguments - either a query structure or the next object
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<pablo_escoberg> Good point.  Fixed.
<abu[7]> 👍
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