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<abu[7]> Me too, we are a iiny company of 2 persons
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<pablo_escoberg> damn....  well, at least there are two of you :)
<abu[7]> beneroth too I think
<pablo_escoberg> is in a picolisp dev shop?
<abu[7]> What is a dev shop?
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<pablo_escoberg> a small company, consisting primarily of developers, typically under 100 devs plus the requisite biz dev folks.
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<abu[7]> ok, yes
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<razzy> abu[7]: did you learn about fairphone-easy? it is phone-as-service for 14 euro per month.
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<abu[7]> I see, no, did not know
<abu[7]> I use my current phone since five years. And I expect to use a Fairphone longer.
<abu[7]> Fairphone is 587 € (without tax)
<abu[7]> That's 9.78 € per month if only 5 years :)
<abu[7]> Also, our company has money left this year, so I better buy it now instead of peaying over the next years
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<razzy> abu[7]: with fairphone-easy they upgrade your phone as you wish. they say.
<razzy> I think hardware support is important for security. Not sure if fairphone delivers on their claims.
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<abu[7]> ok
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<abu[7]> Updating hardware is especially easy in Fairphone, and they promise Android updates for 10 years iirc
<razzy> I assume I can change penti keys easily. no need for compiling. Am I right?
<abu[7]> No, only the Alt-Keys can be changed at runtime.You have to change the Java code for other key assignments
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<tankf33der> hi all
<tankf33der> abu[7]
<tankf33der> llvm18 disable sext
<abu[7]> Hi tankf33der!
<abu[7]> Strange!
<abu[7]> How to sign-extend then?
<abu[7]> 'zext' is still ok?
<tankf33der> no warning so far
<tankf33der> warnings
<abu[7]> I will investigate
<abu[7]> I think 'sext' is deprecated only for constant expressions
<tankf33der> i think too
<tankf33der> constexprs is a hint
<abu[7]> otherwise it would make no sense, because sign extension is such a basic operation
<abu[7]> The use case in pil
<abu[7]> i64 sext (i32 0 to i64),
<abu[7]> is a bit nonsense anyway
<abu[7]> i.e. extending zero
<tankf33der> I found all combinations in google
<abu[7]> ok
<abu[7]> I remove it and test
<tankf33der> llvm18 only
<tankf33der> llvm18+
<abu[7]> Yes, but in all other versions also no problem
<tankf33der> yeap
<tankf33der> maybe this line
<tankf33der> !?
<abu[7]> I think it is no problem. Current code is a bit nonsense anyway
<abu[7]> for constants
<tankf33der> Ok
<abu[7]> Let me check
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<abu[7]> Compiles here
<abu[7]> I release
<tankf33der> ok
<abu[7]> Done!
<abu[7]> Can you test on 18 when you have time?
<tankf33der> doing now
<abu[7]> great!
<tankf33der> compiled
<tankf33der> compiled without error
<abu[7]> Cooool!
<abu[7]> Thanks for finding this!
<tankf33der> i think issue closed.
<tankf33der> it was fast.
<abu[7]> \☺/
<abu[7]> The LLVM folks change basic stuff quite often :(
<abu[7]> But in this case it really made sense
<beneroth> thanks to both of you \☺/
<abu[7]> Hi beneroth! :)
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