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<pablo_escoberg> Hey all, my projectbackend has fin
<pablo_escoberg> sorry, hit "enter" by accident.  will start over in a sec.
<pablo_escoberg> hey all, my project's backend has finally reached the point where it's very nearly feature complete.  I'm sure there are still many bugs and both documentation and tests are lacking.  However, if anyone is interested, it's here:  .  If there are any questions, I'm available.  I'll be working on the frontend
<pablo_escoberg> now, which should help me design both the testing framework and the documentation.  Any thoughts most welcome.
<abu[7]> Hi pablo_escoberg! Great!
<abu[7]> What is argon2 ?
<abu[7]> Because assertion fails here in 'pw_hash'
<pablo_escoberg> ah, yes.  My research shows it's the correct algorithm to use for password hashing.  what platform are you on?
<abu[7]> Termux
<abu[7]> but I now looked also on Debian
<pablo_escoberg> apt-get install argon2
<abu[7]> btw, ~(assert (= 'cbc25a53074d0702178e1f0cb01...
<abu[7]> I would not waste internal namespace for this
<pablo_escoberg> ok, that's exactly that kind of thing I'm looking for
<abu[7]> Also, you should try (lintAll). Gives lots of output ;)
<pablo_escoberg> Most of that is for the pluralization/singularization
<abu[7]> (not all of lint may be relevant though)
<pablo_escoberg> Right, pretty sure none of it is, here.
<pablo_escoberg> I did look at it
<pablo_escoberg> and in fact, I don't really need the pluralization/singularization thing, so I'll ditch it.
<abu[7]> I started as "~/pil21/pil testapp.l +" for a first look. Is that reasonable?
<pablo_escoberg> yes, though the front end is probably badly broken at this point.
<pablo_escoberg> it's at localhost:4200 though
<abu[7]> No problem, I just look statically
<pablo_escoberg> awesome.  thanks so much for having a look
<abu[7]> Thanks for sharing!
<pablo_escoberg> you might want to use pil test/data.l + as there is some generated test data in there
<abu[7]> yeah, but still the argon issue, nevermind
<pablo_escoberg> can you not install it?
<abu[7]> I can, it is also a package on Termux
<pablo_escoberg> and it still fails??
<pablo_escoberg> or do you not want to install it?
<abu[7]> test/data.l now passes
<pablo_escoberg> ah, great
<abu[7]> on Termux
<pablo_escoberg> that's so cool!
<abu[7]> but then surely on Debian too
<pablo_escoberg> yup.  I'm on Mint, so basically debian plus some stuff
<abu[7]> right
<abu[7]> I think in (commit T) the 'T' is not needed
<abu[7]> just (commit)
<abu[7]> Nobmal is (commit 'upd), but this makes sense only if (dbSync) was called
<pablo_escoberg> ah, oh
<abu[7]> 'upd' is a little function executed by the sister processes
<abu[7]> But it seems you don't fork processes (?)
<abu[7]> Technically all looks good after my very short glance
<abu[7]> I would tackle (lintAll) step by step and try to fix some of the issues
<abu[7]> As I said, most may not be critical though
<pablo_escoberg> Great.  Thanks much.  If you want to delve deeper, I'd love any additional feedback you may have.  And yes, I'll ditch the pluralization thing and go through lintAll before moving on to the frontend.
<abu[7]> But sometimes lint finds really nasty things
<pablo_escoberg> cool
<abu[7]> Good, I will browse a little later
<pablo_escoberg> thanks again.
<abu[7]> For example (lint 'pluralize) complains at the end (bnd c i o Plur S))
<abu[7]> 'Plur' and 'S' are not bound
<abu[7]> and lint gets confused about c, i and o, thinks they are function parameters
<abu[7]> I would use transients here
<pablo_escoberg> right, I ditched that whole thing.  Turns out I won't be using it, and will instead do it in JS, where there are libraries available
<abu[7]> they are the result of a 'chop'
<abu[7]> ah, ok
<abu[7]> In any case, some things lint complains about are just convention issues, but some are real bugs
<pablo_escoberg> right, I'm reading up on it now.  Not entirely sure I understand the docs, but I'll play around and see what I can figure out.
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