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<abu[7]> Yeah. Penti works on Android >= 7
<abu[7]> There is still an old version for 5 somewhere though
<abu[7]> What do you mean with "unable to install"? Is there some kind of error message?
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<razzy> current penti does not work with android 6. it says not recognised file.
<abu[7]> Hmm, then you did something wrong
<abu[7]> You downloaded the APK?
<razzy> yes
<abu[7]> How do you install it then?
<razzy> taping on file and with instaler
<razzy> install app
<abu[7]> "not recognised file" is strange
<abu[7]> Perhaps damagend during download?
<abu[7]> I would enable Chrome to allow it to install, then download with Chrome and install from there
<abu[7]> I use 'termux-share'
<abu[7]> $ termux-share x.apk
<abu[7]> but Chrome may be the easiest
<abu[7]> Tapping on the file is not a good way
<abu[7]> Most Androids believe the APK as a ZIP file and try to unpack it
<abu[7]> s/as/is
<razzy> btw, phone goes strange when connected to internet. i have android 6 which will not work anyway.
<abu[7]> Oh, wait!
<abu[7]> You say it is Android 6?
<abu[7]> As I said above, Penti needs >7
<abu[7]> >= 7
<abu[7]> You can download pentiKeyboard5.apk
<abu[7]> But such an old Android is dangerous!!
<abu[7]> Better install LineageOS
<razzy> i know it is dangerous
<razzy> i wanted to test penti
<abu[7]> Try 5.apk
<abu[7]> I don't remember what changed meanwhile
<abu[7]> Several improvements iirc
<razzy> abu what do you think about murena os
<abu[7]> I never heard about it
<razzy> fairphone uses it
<abu[7]> Afaik Fairphone uses plain Android
<razzy> abu faiphone 4 can be ordered with murena. i am thinking buying just for penti.
<abu[7]> ok
<abu[7]> Fairphone 4 was too small for me, so I did not buy any
<abu[7]> But it should be quite cheap meanwhile, no?
<razzy> power efficiency is good.
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<razzy> ordered
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