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<tankf33der> Hi all
<tankf33der> abu[7]: ping
<abu[7]> Hi tankf33der!
<tankf33der> One of my test failed, will find why
<abu[7]> oh
<tankf33der> i run tests for make-@@
<abu[7]> Good
<abu[7]> Do you know when it did work last time?
<tankf33der> A week ago was ok
<abu[7]> It can only be the change in 'make'
<abu[7]> 23.11.26
<abu[7]> 'make' stores linkage cell in '@@'
<abu[7]> 'make' now sets '@@' as a second return value
<abu[7]> This is very useful to accumulate make results in viriables or other makes via 'made'
<abu[7]> Perhaps the test relies on '@@' not being modified?
<tankf33der> afk
<tankf33der> As i can see z14-store is big list, i can not check it uses make inside right now
<abu[7]> Right, no 'make' involved
<abu[7]> Perhaps in 'z14-store'?
<abu[7]> '@@' is typically a second returg value
<abu[7]> Here it is used as a local variable, which is not a good idea
<tankf33der> This is my style :)
<tankf33der> my common mistake
<abu[7]> :)
<tankf33der> found make deep inside z14-store
<abu[7]> I did the same in Vip
<abu[7]> used '@@' as a global
<abu[7]> better here is (let (N 1 X) (do 64 (until (setq X ..) ...
<tankf33der> ok
<tankf33der> thanks.
<abu[7]> In vip I changed all cases to '*@@', because there it is really a global
<tankf33der> Afk.
<abu[7]> Thanks!
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