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<tankf33der> morning all
<tankf33der> i have got llvm18
<abu[7]> Good morning tankf33der!
<abu[7]> Oh, let's hope ...
<tankf33der> everything is working except this small issue
<abu[7]> Great!!!
<abu[7]> So we just need to fix Makefile
<tankf33der> yeap
<abu[7]> ☺♥
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<tankf33der> how is better to handle both llvm15 and llvm18 range?!
<abu[7]> Do we need three different cases? I don't remember what we did
<abu[7]> LLVM = $(shell llvm-config --version ...
<abu[7]> If it is >= 15, we do
<abu[7]> IASM += -opaque-pointers
<abu[7]> So we need ">= 15" and "< 18" ?
<tankf33der> Right
<tankf33der> Googling
<tankf33der> Can not find if have groups and and inside
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<abu[7]> Something like "-and" ?
<abu[7]> ah, it is shell 'test'
<abu[7]> so it is "-a"
<abu[7]> man test
<tankf33der> ok
<tankf33der> tested on 17 and 18
<abu[7]> Good. I write it into Makefile
<abu[7]> Thanks!
<tankf33der> do it
<tankf33der> i will test everywhere
<abu[7]> I think llvm-config-18 is a problem, no?
<abu[7]> Does not exist in older systems
<tankf33der> of course, my side
<tankf33der> use llvm-config
<abu[7]> ok
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<abu[7]> released
<abu[7]> I'm very glad that the LLVM-IR code doesn't need to be changed
<tankf33der> tested. issue closed.
<abu[7]> Perfect :)
<tankf33der> afk.
<aw-> yesterday's issue is fixed?
<abu[7]> Nothing is changed
<abu[7]> It is a "feature"
<abu[7]> I just want to write a note somewher in the docs
<abu[7]> The 'native' ref says "and function pointer assigned as values to be cached and used in subsequent calls"
<abu[7]> It is not obvious that the "function pointer" piints to an malloc'ed ffi struct
<abu[7]> The recommended use is to put native calls into a library which is *not* called hundreds of times
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<tankf33der> Call hunder of times or load hundred of times?
<abu[7]> Number of loads multiplied with the number of native functions in the file
<tankf33der> doest this mean is leaking memory with native calls to monocypher library? :/
<abu[7]> If the calls are in a lib, there is no leak
<abu[7]> e.g. @lib/net.l
<tankf33der> I do not understand what does it mean “in the lib”. Never heard before
<abu[7]> For example 'connect'
<abu[7]> it is in @lib/net.l
<abu[7]> You can call (connect ...) millions of times
<abu[7]> The symbol "socket" is private to @lib/net.l
<tankf33der> i will experiment then
<abu[7]> So it is 'set' to the ffi struct *once*
<tankf33der> ok
<abu[7]> If you do (load "@lib/net.l") a million of times AND call 'connect' you have a leak
<abu[7]> (do 999999 (load "@lib/net.l") (connect ...))
<abu[7]> Just (do 999999 (load "@lib/net.l")) is no leak
<tankf33der> Ok
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<tankf33der> So i must move three functions to library, ok
<abu[7]> No need
<abu[7]> It is loaded only once
<abu[7]> "!pastebin" is called as a function
<tankf33der> Thanks
<abu[7]> You are right that this is not really a "library"
<abu[7]> It is difficult to document this
<abu[7]> How to explain?
<tankf33der> I do not know ;(
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<tankf33der> I will think about this task
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<tankf33der> Without recursion
<abu[7]> OK, another grid task
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<beneroth> thanks abu[7] and tankf33der, for testing new LLVM, and everything :)
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<abu[7]> o/ beneroth
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