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<tankf33der> morning
<abu[7]> Hi tankf33der!
<tankf33der> 28 Jun 2023 17:54:32
<tankf33der> how to convert this string to seconds if string already parsed by match ?
<abu[7]> So you have (17 54 32) ?
<tankf33der> yeap
<abu[7]> (time (17 54 32)) gives the seconds for this day
<tankf33der> ok
<tankf33der> date?
<abu[7]> (* 86400 (date))
<abu[7]> Plus time?
<tankf33der> trying
<abu[7]> A have calls like (+ (* 86400 (date)) (time T))
<tankf33der> (date) is current day, but i need i 28 jun 2023
<abu[7]> (date 2023 6 28)
<tankf33der> i knew it, ok
<abu[7]> : (index "jun" *mon) -> 6
<tankf33der> never knew *mon exists
<tankf33der> it works
<abu[7]> :)
<tankf33der> (+ (* 86400 (date)) (time T))
<tankf33der> this is not epoch seconds
<tankf33der> The current Unix epoch time is 1688713779
<tankf33der> it gives much larger number
<abu[7]> no, it is seconds since the year 0
<tankf33der> ok
<abu[7]> Since March in the year zero
<abu[7]> Wasn't there a rosetta task?
<abu[7]> subtract 1972 or so
<abu[7]> hmm, not directly a rosetta task
<tankf33der> year 0 is ok in my task, thanks.
<abu[7]> Perfect
<abu[7]> microseconds are not needed?
<tankf33der> no
<abu[7]> ok
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<abu[7]> No, I did not
<abu[7]> oops
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<tankf33der> good evening
<tankf33der> abu[7]: add all* to main index
<tankf33der> all* function
<tankf33der> i see only all now.
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<DKordic> ../msg
<DKordic> IMHO [>_ : (time_t 0) -> [UTC 1970 1 1 0 0 0]] would be a good idea. And UTC would return time_t. Any thoughts?
<DKordic> is awesome...
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<abu[7]> tankf33der, thanks! I add '*all'
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