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<pablo_escoberg> Are there any plans to include the `printJson` function from into json.l in the standard distribution?
<aw-> i think that was the old JSON parser
<aw-> oh wait
<aw-> it's there..
<aw-> grep -n printJson json.l
<aw-> 81:(de printJson (Item)
<pablo_escoberg> I guess I have an older version, then.  I'll d/l the most recent one.  TY.
<aw-> pretty sure printJson has always been there
<abu[7]> aw
<abu[7]> G think so too
<abu[7]> s/G/I/
<abu[7]> pablo_escoberg, how can that be? Which version do you have (see first line in @lib/json.l)
<abu[7]> In August 21 packJson was added
<aw-> hi abu[7]
<pablo_escoberg> Actually, what I think happened is that when you updated the parser to include support for fixed point, I copied and pasted the updated code, and probably didn't include the printJson function.  Guess that's all I need to do now.
<pablo_escoberg> sorry for the confusion.
<abu[7]> No problem
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<abu[7]> tankf33der, I did some complicated changes to the PicoLisp I/O system
<abu[7]> I don't dare to release officially yet
<abu[7]> But I uploaded
<abu[7]> If you have time, can you run your test suite on it?
<abu[7]> My own tests passed
<tankf33der> Doing
<tankf33der> all passed.
<tankf33der> afk.
<abu[7]> Great! Thanks tankf33der!!
<abu[7]> So I'll go ahead and release it fully
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