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<tankf33der> hi all
<tankf33der> abu[7]: i want to query dns server for a record
<tankf33der> a this ok to do ?
<tankf33der> i am using dns cache server on so second run is much faster.
<abu[7]> This looks good
<tankf33der> i wonder if use libc function is much faster!?
<abu[7]> You could bench it
<abu[7]> I don't know where bte bottleneck is
<tankf33der> call is
<tankf33der> call call is
<abu[7]> host
<abu[7]> So a libc call is faster
<tankf33der> yea, libc implementation will be nasty
<abu[7]> We also have the 'host' function in @lib/net.l
<abu[7]> What is the difference to the host command?
<abu[7]> : (host "")
<abu[7]> > ""
<tankf33der> (host "") should return ip
<tankf33der> (host "ip") should return name
<aw-> bottleneck is network
<tankf33der> but host returns wrong result
<tankf33der> as you paste above
<tankf33der> (host "") should return ip
<tankf33der> right?
<abu[7]> I don't know
<tankf33der> :)
<abu[7]> : (host "")
<abu[7]> -> ""
<tankf33der> this is correct
<abu[7]> yes, IP -> name
<abu[7]> I probably never needed the other direction ;)
<abu[7]> Should we exend 'host'?
<tankf33der> should
<abu[7]> If the arg is all numbers, do the above, else the other one
<tankf33der> you already using getaddinfo and getnameinfo in one function
<abu[7]> T
<abu[7]> (fully num? (mapcar format (split (chop "") ".")))
<tankf33der> yea
<abu[7]> or better (fully '((L) (num? (format L))) (split (chop "") "."))
<abu[7]> I forgot all that network stuff. Indeed nasty
<tankf33der> i benched host against call, much faster.
<abu[7]> makes sense
<tankf33der> 8sec - 255 calls
<tankf33der> 1sec - 255 host
<abu[7]> ok
<tankf33der> so 8 times faster
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<aw-> abu[7]: hi, be careful with that, it will fail for IPv6 addresses
<abu[7]> Ah, right! It is not so easy
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<tankf33der> Very nasty
<tankf33der> Return value could be a list of (4 . “”) and (6 . “::1”)
<abu[7]> And perhaps (fully '((L) (or (not L) (hex L))) (split (chop "fe80::216:3eff:fe05:2154/64") "." ":" "/"))
<abu[7]> I don't remember at all the meannig of the network api structures and functions
<abu[7]> The above 'fully' check is too expensive
<abu[7]> Either a Flg argument or a separate function
<aw-> i don't recommend it
<aw-> IPv6 addresses have a multitude of representations
<tankf33der> Why you use network /64? User wants just ip
<tankf33der> without networks
<aw-> i think it will be better to use the builtin libc functions to determine if it's an IP or HOSTNAME
<aw-> rather than trying to parse a "string" and "guess" what it is
<aw-> your approach is a bit too nieve ;) something will slip by and the implementation will be buggy
<tankf33der> What function is this?
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<abu[7]> aw-, thanks!
<abu[7]> The above was just an argument check btw
<abu[7]> (if (fully ... Nond) return value as it is now, elso do the opposite direction
<abu[7]> But I said this is too expensive, so better (de host (Node Flg) ...
<abu[7]> And use (host IP T) to use it
<abu[7]> or define an entirely new function for the opposite direction
<abu[7]> It could be 'ip' or 'ip-addr' or so
<abu[7]> Mayae that's better
<tankf33der> (host IP T) is ok
<abu[7]> Yes, if we can share code
<abu[7]> else a new fun is better
<abu[7]> I don't know what is needed on the libc side
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