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<skyjuice> <abu[7]> "So ^K and r do the job" <- This is being done from the browser's url/search bar, correct?
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<abu[7]> skyjuice: Here it works anywhere in the browser iirc
<abu[7]> Later today I'll boot some desktop and try
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<abu[7]> This is if I hover on the top left reload button
<abu[7]> Pressing this button with shift forces a cache clear
<abu[7]> So I mapped Ctrl-Kr to "ctrl+shift+R"
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<skyjuice> <abu[7]> "skyjuice:"; <- Which OS is this on?
<abu[7]> Debian
<tankf33der> on alpine linux
<skyjuice> <abu[7]> "Debian" <- ah I see, I'm guessing its not so straight forward on plain termux + android 13 (my setup)
<abu[7]> On Android is easy ;) I use the PilBox browser for local development, and this has a "Clear cache" button on the top page
<abu[7]> In Android Chrome I never found a way to clear the cache
<skyjuice> abu[7]: thx this sounds promising, I'll give it a try
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<skyjuice> So, if I've understood the pilbox workflow correctly.
<skyjuice> 1. Title the app "app.l" 2. Develop the app in VIP as normal 3. Zip all of the assets (css etc)
<skyjuice> 4. Share them with Pilbox
<skyjuice> *4. Share them..
<abu[7]> For 1: Not the title, but one file in the directory must be named "App.l" (uppercase A)
<abu[7]> This file starts with a string holding the title
<abu[7]> The rest is correct
<skyjuice> got it, thx
<abu[7]> But what I thought above was: Start the normal application in Termux, then enter http://localhost/8066 in the browser's url field
<abu[7]> (I use 8086 for the port usually)
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<skyjuice> how are source updates handled?i.e if I modify the css via vip do I need to zip and share everything again for the changes to appear in Pilbox?
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<abu[7]> Not necessarily
<abu[7]> if you start 'pty' in the working directory where the apps are below, you can do (pbPut "myApp/file.css") in the REPL
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<skyjuice> <abu[7]> "if you start 'pty' in the..." <- ah ok, thx
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